The Plague Lords of Ruel

The Plague Lords of Ruel by Joe Dever

Book: The Plague Lords of Ruel by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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which seethe beneath a constant shower of electrical sparks. Other tables support dozens of glass boxes of differing sizes. The smallest contain rats; the largest contain horses. Hundreds of pipes and tubes run around the walls, feeding a supply of fluids and gases to the experiment tables. The fumes rising from this diabolical laboratory sting your eyes, but you ignore the discomfort and continue your observations, eager to take in every detail of the evil work which is taking place below. It is not long before you recognize that this hall is where the deadly plague virus and its vaccine are being produced.
    Illustration III —You approach the gallery's veiled parapet and stare down at a score of druids working at tiled tables.
    You know that you must act with all haste for Arch Druid Cadak is still alive and, wherever he is at present, you can be sure he is plotting to capture or kill you, probably both. Below lies that which you have come here to destroy. But how will you accomplish your task? Relentlessly the seconds tick by as you try to formulate a plan. Then you see something which sparks an idea. The pipes that feed fluids to the laboratory's disposal tanks are connected to a massive cauldron suspended from the ceiling by a winch and chains. You focus upon a plaque fixed to the side of this great vat and magnify your vision until you can read what has been engraved upon it. With grim satisfaction you read the words: ‘Danger — Concentrated Acid’.
    Here is the key to the destruction of the virus. If you can cause the cauldron to tilt over far enough it will discharge its contents into the hall below, flooding the virus-laden tables with thousands of gallons of concentrated acid.
    Elated by your daring plan, you look for a way to reach the winch which controls the angle at which the cauldron hangs from the ceiling. It is positioned high upon a platform atop an iron gantry, which is accessible only by ladder. Fortunately this ladder begins on the far side of the gallery.
    Confident in your purpose you hurry around the gallery towards the ladder. You are within twenty paces when suddenly the harsh clang of an alarm bell fills the hall. You have been seen.
    Turn to 177 .

    You focus upon your left forearm and utter the Elder Magi spell-word which calls into existence an invisible shield. Instantly there is a sizzling splash of blue-white sparks as the bolt of crackling energy collides with your magical defence.
    However, your preparation of the battle-spell was hurried and incomplete. The shield is shattered by the force of impact and the bolt bursts through to lance deep into your chest: lose 6 ENDURANCE points.
    If you survive this wounding, turn to 135 .

    Swiftly you swim away from the bridge towards the east wall of the cave. You can see no obvious exit here, but twenty feet below the surface you notice that the crevasse appears to undercut the cave wall.
    Suddenly a spear splashes into the lake and passes within inches of your head, causing you to dive deeper to avoid the others that are sure to follow. In the icy gloom you sense an undercurrent of warmer water rising from the crevasse. Also, your super-keen eyesight detects a pale light radiating from the base of the cave wall. Another cavern must lie beyond this one, but you have no way of knowing for sure just how far away that cave might be.
    Mustering your Kai courage, you swim down towards the crevasse and propel yourself along an oval-shaped tunnel below the east cave wall. In the distance you see the pale glow and you strike out towards it, thankful that at least this watery passage does not harbour hostile creatures.
    After four long minutes of strenuous swimming, you begin to suffer pains in your chest due to lack of oxygen.
    Pick a number from the Random Number Table , and add 1 to the number you have picked. This total is equal to the number of ENDURANCE points you lose due to oxygen starvation.
    Adjust your ENDURANCE points total accordingly

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