The Plot Bunny
didn't know Dury's last name.
    "Dury Smith," his house mate came to his aid. "I'm helping Luc with his book."
    "You're writing again, then?" Simon asked.
    "Trying to," Luc replied. "It's been a tough couple of months."
    "Yeah," Simon replied. He held Luc's gaze and for a few seconds, time seemed to flow backwards, and Luc was back in the art gallery, standing in front of the beautiful statue, and meeting the world's most amazing sculptor for the first time. It felt beautiful, electric, like a memory, but not. And when Simon smiled at him, Luc took a step forward, aching to hold his lover once again, to feel those sweet lips against his own.
    "That's enough," Susanne said, breaking the moment. "We're going."
    She put a few bills on the table and grabbed her brother's hand. "Have a nice life," she threw to Luc. "Jerk." She pulled Simon out of the café and as she passed Luc, her shoulder collided with Dury, seemingly by accident. Dury oomphed, but made no comment.
    "Susie," Simon growled. "Stop it."
    He gave Dury an apologetic look. "Sorry about that. She's very protective about me."
    "I can see that," Dury said with a warm smile. "You're very lucky to have her."
    Simon scanned Dury's face, as if uncertain. Once again, Susanne interfered. "Let's go already."
    This time, Simon obeyed, and moments later, they disappeared in the crowd.
    "Wow," Luc said when he could finally speak.
    Dury rubbed his chest where Susanne had hit him. "Yeah. Want to stay for coffee or just go home?"
    Suddenly, Luc felt more exhausted than ever. "Home. Please."
    Without a word, Dury hailed another cab. Five minutes after they got home, Luc collapsed in bed and fell asleep.
    * * * *
    The next day, Luc woke up sticky and frustrated. He'd had the most amazing and peculiar dream. In it, both Dury and Simon loved him and the three of them did everything together. Luc groaned as his dick responded to the memory of the dream. Dury and Simon touching him, fucking him. It aroused him beyond compare, and confused him like hell.
    He lay there, remembering it for the longest time. How could all of this be happening? Perhaps it was all a wild dream, and Luc had only imagined the fluffy tail. Perhaps Dury didn't even exist. Writer's block must have insanity as a side effect.
    He was almost afraid to get up, to see if these past few days had been a fantasy and nothing more. But then a knock sounded at his door, and Luc hastily covered himself, knowing Dury had the habit of coming in uninvited. It shocked Luc that he was already catching onto the habits of someone who may well be an illusion.
    Seconds later, Dury opened the door and peeked inside. "Oh, you're awake. Wonderful."
    For a few seconds, Luc just stared at the young man, taking in the now-familiar beautiful face. So Dury really was true. Where did that leave Luc? And what about Simon? What would Luc do about that?
    The solution escaped him, so Luc decided not to over think it and just go with the flow. Dury had come to him for a reason. Luc would enjoy the younger man's company and decide what to do along the way.
    Nodding to himself, Luc offered Dury a smile. "As if you didn't already know that."
    Dury grinned at him and pushed the door open. He wore one of his weird outfits, and this one left his flat abdomen bare. The black tights molded against his body like a second skin, reminding Luc of the dream. He carried a tray filled with a delicious looking breakfast and Luc's mouth watered, and he didn't know if it was because of the food or because of Dury.
    "Breakfast in bed," Dury said with a smile.
    "Why?" Luc asked as he stole a piece of bacon off a plate. "Should I be frightened?"
    Dury shook his head. "Not at all. I'm just going to be out for a bit so you can do your thing."
    Luc choked on his mouthful of bacon. "You're leaving?" he said. "Already?"
    "Of course not," Dury replied. "You've yet to write a line."
    The panic started to dwindle at Dury's reply, although it did bring close to home the

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