The Power of Three
“We are insisting that Wassain is brought to
justice for both his cowardly desertion of you, and his outright
attack on Major Esca.”
    “ They won’t prosecute him for leaving
me behind, sir.”
    He sighed. “So they’ve already told us.”
    “ And I’m pretty sure that even if they
do reprimand Captain Wassain publicly for his behavior toward Major
Esca, they won’t punish him.”
    “ Because you are both
    “ Exactly, sir.” She hesitated. “I’m not
sure why you’re telling me this.”
    “ Because I want you to know that
whatever your government says, my government will do everything in its power to make sure that
you are not…impacted in a negative way by these
    “ Thank you, sir.”
    Didn’t he understand that the moment the
Etruscans got her back she was dead? She’d shown them up and forced
a superior officer to behave badly in front of his allies. Sure,
they’d probably wait until the Pavlovan ship left before they
carried out her sentence, but she’d still be dead.
    “ Is there anything else,
    “ Yes. Dr, Mayek is concerned about
    Inwardly Soreya sighed. “There’s no need,
sir. I’m completely recovered.”
    “ She’s not worried about your health.”
He cast her a quick glance. His mind felt as uncomfortable as he
looked. “Major Esca saved your life and that can create a unique,
if unrealistic, bond between two people. I also understand that you
aren’t used to dealing with other telepaths. Connecting with a male
of Major Esca’s talents must’ve have been quite overwhelming for
    Soreya set her jaw at his patronizing tone.
“I’m fully aware of all this, sir. I’m not going to throw myself at
him or anything.”
    “ Good, because you’re worth more than
    “ I am, sir?” She looked up into his
very blue eyes. “I thought this little lecture was all about
protecting Major Esca.”
    “ Don’t be sarcastic, Lang. I watched
the security footage of the shuttle expedition to retrieve you and
the major. You got him onto
that ship. I have no idea how you managed it, but I’ll never forget
that.” He leaned forward. “Neither will our nation. Major Esca’s
mate is a major political figure in our senate. If you need our
assistance against your superiors, I’m sure our government would be
grateful enough to put in a good word for you.”
    “ Major Esca is mated?”
    Captain Trenx nodded. “Yeah,” he said gently.
“For the last ten years or so.”
    From somewhere, Soreya summoned the
ability to smile. “I doubt I’ll need anything, but thanks for
offering.” She rose to her feet. “It would be helpful if you could get me off this
ship without Wassain or the rest of the team seeing me. If you put
me in with them, I might not make it to the barracks.”
    “ Understood. We’ll arrange a separate
escort.” He stood and held out his hand. “And don’t worry, we’ll do
our best to protect you.”
    “ Thank you, I appreciate that.” She
shook his hand. What else could she do? “I’d better get back to
sick bay.”
    Major Esca was mated.
    She followed the guard back along the narrow
passageways, her thoughts in turmoil. What kind of ‘relationship’
had he been talking about? Was he the kind of male who kept another
source of available ass on the side? Like her mother had been to
her father, available, eager, and too in lust to demand a legal
    She took off her uniform and lay on her bed.
So her choices had narrowed to death or…what? She wouldn’t want the
gallant major to rescue her even if he wanted to. His ability to
lie to her hurt far more than she’d anticipated. But she’d been so
willing to be deceived…
    “ Lang? ”
    Damn him and the need in his voice. Damn him
to hell. She wanted to go to him more than she wanted to
    “ Soreya?”
    Not anymore. She sat up and glared at the
door until it locked. Strengthening her shields, she shut him out
and forced herself to go to

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