The Power of Three
sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a busy
    * * * * *

Chapter 5
    “ Trenx, where is she?” Esca glared at
the protesting nurse and the bleeping instruments as he pulled off
his hospital jammies. “Get this out of my arm or I’ll rip it
    “ Esca, will you just calm down and wait
for Mayek?” Trenx made soothing gestures with his hands. “Where do
you think you’re going anyway?”
    “ We’ve docked, haven’t we?”
    “ Yeah. I’m waiting for the escort for
Captain Wassain and the rest of the Etruscan team to arrive. Don’t
worry, I’ve arranged a separate escort for Private
    “ She’s already gone , Trenx.”
    “ You’re delusional. She’s in her room
across the hall.”
    “ She freking is not. How do you think
we got out of that damn prison? She’s a regular escape artist.”
Esca pulled his arm away from the nurse and grabbed hold of the
tubing. “I said take it out or it’s coming out.”
    Trenx disappeared and came back a second
later. ‘She’s not there.”
    “ I told you so.” He looked up as Dr.
Mayek arrived. “Get this out, please. I have to get up.”
    “ I don’t think—”
    Esca held out his arm. “I don’t care what you
think, that’s an order.”
    She scowled at him but started to work on the
shunt and tubing. “As your physician I don’t recommend this. Are we
clear on that?”
    “ Clear. I take full responsibility for
my actions.” Esca looked over at Trenx. “I need to find
    Trenx ushered the nurse and Dr. Mayek out and
closed the door. “I don’t get it. If she’s voluntarily gone back to
the Etruscan army, why not let her go?” He hesitated. “Wouldn’t it
be kinder in the long run? Don’t tell me you’re infatuated with her
as well? Dammit, Esca.”
    “ I’m not infatuated with her. She’s my
    Trenx snorted. “Funny. You obviously got hit
on the head harder than I thought. She’s a lightweight compared
with you and Ash.”
    Esca buttoned up his shirt and stepped into
his uniform pants. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. If
she’d wanted, she could’ve taken control of this whole ship and
sent it crashing into the nearest planet. At least at the moment,
she’s still alive. I’d know if she were dead.” He swallowed hard.
“The Gods know how long they’ll keep her alive.”
    “ There was no reason for her to run.
I told her we would protect
her to the best of our ability.”
    “ Did you also tell her that she was
infatuated with me?” Esca shook his head. “Of course you freking
did. They’ll execute her in a heartbeat, Trenx. That’s what she’s
gone back to, and I don’t understand why.”
    Inside him rage boiled and a sense of utter
helplessness he’d never experienced before. He wanted to find her
and shake her until her teeth rattled and then fuck her until she
begged for mercy and then…
    “ Hold up.” Trenx paused. “I’m getting a
message that she’s being held at the embassy.”
    Esca put on his jacket. “Then we’ll need to
act fast. Call Ash and tell him to get the Pavlovan diplomat
stationed here to meet us at the Etruscan embassy as a matter of
urgency. Tell him I’ll owe him one or whatever you need to get him
to do what I ask. I’ll need Dr, Mayek to come with me.”
    Even if Lang didn’t have enough faith in him
to wait until he worked things out, he had to try and save her. And
why should she believe him? She’d had no support from anyone during
her entire life. It would’ve been nice to be consulted. Trenx had
apparently decided he was to be left out of any decision-making
concerning the Etruscans at all.
    “ When were you going to wake me up?
Once we were gone from here?”
    Trenx sighed. “I was trying to help.”
    “ Then don’t.” Esca buckled on his
weapon and reached for his hat. “Be ready to leave as soon as we
get back. If this works, I don’t want to hang around.”
    * * *
    “ Lang. Stand to attention.”
    Soreya looked up at the

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