The Priest
even know how to be just Rosie. Because I’ve never
been just me. I’ve never been good enough for the rest of the
    Rosie looked back at Mauricio and started
laughing. “Poor me, right? I’m complaining about my life to a
slave!” she said between chuckles. “Oops… I guess that I’m beyond
salvation at this point.” Rosie tried to stop laughing, but any
attempt failed and she doubled over, unable to sober up.
    “I’m not offended. I am a slave.”
Mauricio shrugged his shoulders.
    “I know, and it’s not funny.”
    “No, it’s not. Not for me at least,” he said
with a gentle tone.
    “I know!”
    Mauricio heard the machine at his right
beeping softly, he turned around and saw that the there was no
liquid dripping from the bag to the pipe connected to his arm. He
shot a warning look at Rosie one second before a nurse came into
the room.
    “Mistress! What are you doing here?” The
nurse, a middle-aged woman with a graceless voice, looked wildly
around, trying to assess what she was seeing.
    “Did he attack you?” the nurse asked,
    “This slave is bound to a bed with an IV
attached to his arm. I bet he can barely walk. How could he attack
me?” Rosie had changed tone completely.
    Mauricio saw the transformation before his
eyes and couldn’t believe she was the same person he had been
talking to. The girl staring down at the nurse was haughty and
cold. Rosie almost looked like a younger version of the
    “These rooms are all the same. I’m late for
my check,” she said as if it was the nurse’s fault.
    “Oh, I’m sorry. You’re right, of course,
Mistress. The hallway of the birth center isn’t, well—” The nurse
was interrupted by a single stare from Rosie. “If you want to
follow me, I’ll escort you to your room.”
    “Let’s go.” Rosie walked out with her back
straight. The nurse scampered outside with a worried expression on
her face.
    Please, please, look at me, just one more
time… It had pained him to see that she could be like the other
women. It shouldn’t have been a surprise, and yet it was. He
thought about her the whole day. And, when he wasn’t thinking about
her, he played in his mind, over and over again, the Priestess’
words. Not that he had anything else to do, in any case. The doctor
came later on to take a look at his vitals, but she didn’t seem
greatly concerned. Mauricio knew that the Priestess’ interest in
his wellbeing had actually given him angrier enemies, if that was
even possible given his status as untouchable, among both men and
    He wasn’t an ordinary semental slave
anymore. He was now the semental slave guards were losing their job
over. Not a nice position to be in. The doctor was looking at him,
and Mauricio shivered in anticipation of what was coming.
    “I know why the Priestess wants you alive
and well, but I don’t like it. You better behave, or… else,” the
doctor said.
    Mauricio knew all too well what ‘else’
meant. He lowered his head in submission and didn’t complain when
the doctor yanked the needle out of his arm. Had he complained, the
doctor would have found some new, painful analysis he needed. As it
was, she grumbled something and then called two guards to take the
slave back to his cell.
    He walked between the two guards, almost
grateful that he was going back to the familiarity of his cell.
While passing by one of the doors opening into the hallway, he
heard Rosie’s voice. Without warning, the guard in front of him
slowed down and he collided into her.
    “Don’t touch me.” The guard pushed him out
of the way.
    He staggered, lost his footing and ended on
the floor. “Get up, you idiot,” the second guard said.
    Give me a moment, for Heavens’ sake.
    The women must have heard the Priestess’
voice because they stopped for a moment to listen; the door was
open and a shaft of light flooded the darkness. Mauricio raised his
head and saw Rosie deep in conversation with the

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