The Princess and the Huntsman

The Princess and the Huntsman by Patricia Green

Book: The Princess and the Huntsman by Patricia Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Green
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over toward the cool wall and watched Tom blow out the light and remove his clothes, all but his shirt. His manly parts were covered by its hem, but deep within, Brandywyn wished he was uncovered. She had never seen a man that way so close up, and this was the closest she would get outside of her marriage bed. Curiosity ate at her, but she closed her eyes and bit it down. Her aching bottom reminded her that he was not to be trusted wholly.
    The blankets rustled as Tom got into the bed beside her. Her breath caught. He was so warm, his scent masculine but clean. His legs brushed hers and she could feel the hair that covered them and the strength of his muscles.
    Tom turned on his side, away from her, and promptly fell asleep.
    Although she was a tiny bit insulted by his lack of interest in her, Brandywyn was also very tired and somewhat relieved that he was no rapist. Thus far, she had been lucky in that regard. She vowed to rise before Tom and make herself gone before he arose.

Chapter Four
    Brandywyn was still sleeping when Tom rose and began his morning ablutions. As he washed his face in the stream and scrubbed the overnight sweat off his body, he wondered if the kidnappers had been too hard on her. Her bottom had shown a few old bruises when he had spanked her. He felt bad about that. He would have to remember to be more gentle with her as her skin was delicate. She was in a difficult situation, and that had to be considered. Be that as it may, she still needed to learn obedience or she would put herself in dangerous situations. She was very headstrong, and needed a firm but loving hand to find her way. He would be the man who taught her. At least while their situation remained as it was.
    He threw on his clothes, milked the cow, and returned to the cottage bearing milk for their breakfast. There was a loaf of bread left over from the previous day, and Tom thought that would do to break their fast.
    While he worked on a leather project, Brandywyn stirred. She was tousled and sleepy-looking. Her eyes were half-lidded as she stretched in the rough bed. As the covers fell away from her, he admired her full breasts and the curve of her waist beneath his worn shirt. She was young and beautiful as no one he had ever met before. The only time he had seen her look lovelier was when he watched her on the beach. How extraordinary she had been, so carefree and laughing. He longed to kiss her chafed cheeks and tenderly minister to her. It seemed very likely she was still a maid, though one could never be sure without a trial. It made him jealous to think of her with another man, but there was no reason to belabor the point in his own mind. He would find out soon enough.
    “Good morning, Brandywyn.”
    She stiffened at the sound of her name, but said nothing about its use. “Good morning, Tom.”
    “Come and break your fast with me. I have fresh milk and hearty bread here.”
    “I must…” She looked around for a moment. “There is no screen.”
    “No.” He knew what she wanted, but ‘twould not be given. She needed to learn that she was not always going to be treated like a princess.
    Brandywyn blushed furiously, right to her roots. “But… I need to use the chamber pot.”
    “‘Tis under the bed. Do you go ahead.”
    “Leave me, then. I cannot use it with you here.”
    “Of course you can. There should be no secrets between us, sweeting.”
    “Tom… Please.”
    Perhaps ‘twas an embarrassment for her, and humbling, but a bit of humility would do her good. He shook his head and gestured toward the underside of the bed.
    “I demand—”
    “Brandywyn, demands will avail you nothing. Do what you need to, and leave off with demands.”
    “Oh! Oh! You try my patience sorely! Very well, I shall piss on your floor!”
    He frowned. It seemed she was full of surprises. “Do you, and you will clean it up, and earn yourself another spanking in the bargain.”
    Brandywyn’s shoulders sagged a bit for a moment,

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