The Queen's Pawn

The Queen's Pawn by Christy English

Book: The Queen's Pawn by Christy English Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christy English
Tags: Fiction, Historical
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mine. I must bind him to me with yet another thread of gold.
    I let him hold my hand in his great one. I raised the other, pressing my palm to his crown in blessing.
    “Richard, rise. There is no need for such demonstrations between us.”
    He stood, and drew me close. I allowed myself the weakness of leaning against him.
    “I love you, Mother. And not for the Aquitaine.”
    I turned from him, and drew my handkerchief from my sleeve. I pushed away all strong emotion, for it never served me.
    In spite of my joy in giving the Aquitaine to my favorite son, I knew that the ceremony three years before that had acknowledged Richard as the future duke would not be enough. That treaty had been drawn between Henry and Louis of France, stating that Richard would one day be given the duchy of the Aquitaine. The same treaty arranged Richard’s betrothal, and brought Alais to me.
    That agreement had been made and oaths sworn; three years later, Henry still held the land. I knew Henry thought to ignore the oath he had taken as if it had never been. He wanted to give our eldest, Henry the Younger, the Aquitaine as he had already given him Normandy. Louis of France was weak, and could do nothing to make the treaty hold, even though his daughter Alais stood to gain from it with her marriage to my son. Richard would have to take the Aquitaine now and hold it against his father.
    “Even now, Richard, a rider has gone to Henry, who is with your brother Geoffrey in Anjou. The king will be at Windsor in less than two weeks’ time.”
    “I know.”
    “Henry will stop off to see Rosamund, that woman he values so highly.”
    Blood rose in his face at the sound of our old enemy’s name. Not because she was the king’s mistress; it was Henry’s right to take lovers where he would. Richard hated that woman, as I did, because Henry loved her beyond all reason. She had taken what was mine, Henry’s genuine affection; he had never loved me the same way since he first laid eyes on her.
    Richard did not spit, but I saw the desire to do so cross his face. This sign of spleen made me smile once more; it was yet another proof of my beloved son’s loyalty. All thought of Princess Alais was banished from the room.
    “So we will have time to send word to Louis, and to make plans for your official investiture as duke in Aquitaine. A ceremony in Limoges to seal the beginning that we made three years ago.”
    “The king will not be pleased.”
    “No. Henry will be furious. You must be cautious. We will tell him simply that we thought it understood that once you were old enough to defend it, you would take your inheritance in hand. King Louis will agree with us, with his daughter promised to you, and your father will be forced to concede.”
    Henry had never made a concession in his life, which was why he was still king. My son knew this, as well as I.
    “Or he will not,” Richard said.
    I smiled my cat smile, relishing the thought of combat with Henry on open ground.
    Henry and I had been separated for years, ever since he had first taken Rosamund to his bed. We had met a few times for politics’ sake, and for some holy days, but even at those times, Henry had not shared my bed. He had taken many women over the last few years, but he had loved only her. The thought of that woman still rankled, even now. I set it aside. I would forget her, and deal only with Henry.
    “We will cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, you will make ready to leave for the Aquitaine in two days’ time. I have already sent word to the bishop in Limoges. He will be ready to receive you.”
    I knew that, in this, Richard would obey me. He would go to my holdings in the south and swear the final oath making him duke, with Louis of France as his witness. Once he had taken possession of the Aquitaine, even Henry would not be strong enough to wrest it from him.
    I stepped close to my son and laid my hand against his cheek. My confidence drew him to me and held him, as it

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