The Rancher's Rules

The Rancher's Rules by Dina Chapel Page B

Book: The Rancher's Rules by Dina Chapel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dina Chapel
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was large and comfortable for the most part, but other than fixing meals, there really wasn’t anything to do. Annie had already washed, scrubbed and polished every square inch of the place and everything in it. She really didn’t know what else to do with herself. She decided to say as much to Rafe when he came in from the barn for lunch.
    “Well,” Rafe started, scratching his whiskered chin and thinking. “I suppose tomorrow we could probably head out for Tom’s.” He guessed she must be anxious to be away from him, although he couldn’t say he felt the same.
    Rafe’s attraction to Annie had been growing by the day. He knew that he wasn’t in any position to act on it – not right now, at least – so he had tried to stay away from her as much as possible. Chores in the barn had kept him busy and also kept his mind off the little spitfire who slept under the same roof as he every night. He liked having her here, as hard as it was.
    But he knew she didn’t feel the same, not yet. And he also hoped that a little distance from him might help make her heart grow fonder in the long run. He didn’t want to force his attentions on her.
    “In the meantime, there’s a crate of books under my bed, if you’re interested. Some reading might make the time go by a bit faster.” Annie ran into the bedroom at this news and quickly pulled the crate out from under the bed.
    “Gee, Rafe, you mighta told me about these sooner.” Annie couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of her voice.
    “Just watch that tone, little lady.”
    “Yessir,” Annie replied almost absentmindedly. She was already engrossed in looking over the books and trying to decide which one to start reading first. There were quite a few that she hadn’t read yet. Rafe watched her for a moment from the doorway to the bedroom, enjoying her enthusiasm over the old books. He had really forgotten they were under there. Then he set to fetching lunch for himself.

Chapter 5
    Rafe returned from the barn that evening to find Annie stretched out on an old wool blanket on the floor, reading. She lay on her stomach, her legs bent at the knees and crossed in the air. She leaned on her elbows, with one hand holding a book and the other cupping her chin.
    “Good book?” Rafe’s voice held a bit of tease. The fire in the hearth was just about out and it was very clear that she hadn’t made supper. Annie barely seemed to have heard him.
    “Mmm hmm,” she responded. Then realization dawned. “Oh, my goodness,” Annie cried. She jumped up and looked about her. “I’m sorry, Rafe, I didn’t realize the time, and I didn’t even notice the fire was going out.” Annie was suddenly nervous. Would he spank her for this? Sometimes she just didn’t know what to expect where he was concerned. She chanced a worried glance in his direction.
    “It’s all right.” Rafe was actually smiling at her. “Don’t fret over it. I’ll just get this fire going again and then, if you don’t mind making dinner, I can use the time to fix that loose shelf in the pantry.”
    Annie breathed a sigh of relief as she gathered the blanket off the floor and Rafe brought the fire to life again. Soon enough, the room was warming and Annie set to fixing a meal for the two of them. The pantry was situated off the back of the cabin, with a solid door that kept the warmth out and allowed all the stored food to keep cold. It was convenient and well thought out. With a few tools in hand, Rafe went into the pantry to see to the chore, closing the door behind him.
    Annie did her best to make a meal that would be satisfying for Rafe, yet not take too long to cook. It was actually one of Jenny’s specialties, a stew that was quick and easy. Once it was simmering over the fire, she made a batch of biscuits to go with it. She hoped it would do. She felt the unfamiliar need to please.
    Annie started a pot of coffee brewing to drink with the meal and set the table. The stew was ready and the biscuits

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