The Reaping: Language of the Liar

The Reaping: Language of the Liar by Angella Graff

Book: The Reaping: Language of the Liar by Angella Graff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angella Graff
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any sense.”
    Dash walked over, choosing to sit on the opposite side of the couch near Lennox, and he gave her a kinder look than his partner currently wore.  “I know it all sounds a bit mad.  We get it.  We, that’s to say Lennox and I, are part of an organization in charge of finding people like you.”
    “Like me.”
    He nodded.  “Tapped.  Possessed.  We call them doorways.”
    Even the word sent chills down her spine and she shook her head.  “Why?  Why that word?”
    The pair exchanged another look she couldn’t read, and this time Lennox answered.  “Because it’s what you are.  Born with it, unfortunately.  It’s why you have such an aversion to them.”
    “To doors?”  She laughed and her head shook from side to side.  “Look, that’s… cute.  I guess.  But I already know why I have that issue.”
    Lennox chewed on his lower lip for a second, as if contemplating his answer.  “I know what your doctors have told you.  I know they’ve got all the medical jargon and all the answers in their little text books.  But have they been able to explain why you can knock over coffee cups with your mind?”
    Her face went red hot and she felt her breath trying to escape again.  “That’s… that hasn’t… doesn’t…”
    “New, is it?”  Lennox glanced over at his partner.  “So it must mean they’ve only recently gained a steady foothold on her.  It’s promising.”
    “If only a little,” Dash conceded.
    “Hello!  I am sitting right here.  What the hell are you talking about?”
    “Demons,” Lennox said, obviously done with beating around the bush.  He leaned forward, his arms resting over his thighs.  “I’m talking about a demon dimension.  Billions of them, in fact.  Some people call it hell, but it’s not quite that.  It’s something else, something normally benign to our own universe, only they’ve found a way in.  Through the mind of certain humans born with that tiny little opening in their subconscious.  A doorway.”
    Rubbing her hand down her face, she fought back a frustrated laugh.  “You do realize you’re still making no sense, right?  A demon dimension using people as doorways to what?  Earth?”
    “In a sense,” Dash said with a shrug, leaning back.  “Our doctors have come up with a billion ways of excusing people’s strange behavior.  And yeah, some people are just chemically imbalanced.  But not all of them.  And not you .”
    This time she did laugh and she crossed her arms tightly over her middle.  “You’re trying to tell me that my entire life, my life of getting booted from foster homes and group homes and even state facilities because of my issues, weren’t really issues?  They were demons?”
    Lennox’s face fell and he glanced over at Dash.  “Your entire life?”
    Letting out a bitter laugh, Dorian shook her head.  “Yeah.  Since I was two, in fact.”
    Dash and Lennox’s eyes went wide and both let out a small sigh.  “I didn’t realize,” Lennox replied after a second.  “It doesn’t change things, not really.  But I didn’t realize it had been going on since you were that young.”
    Her cheeks began to ache with her smile, and she glanced over at the door, contemplating her escape route.  “Listen… I mean, I get what you’re saying.  I’ve met people like you, okay?  When I was sixteen, I was in this foster home and this guy was really into occult stuff.  He told me everything I had going on was because a demon had a hold of me and…”  She trailed off with a laugh, remembering how much she liked Grant.  He was cute and he paid her attention which didn’t happen often shuffled from home to home.  She felt so stupid afterward.
    “I was into it, you know, because I thought if there was some simple solution to all my problems, if I could just stop taking all these goddamn meds and sleep like a normal person and not have… not have…”  She waggled her fingers near her temple and

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