The Redeemer

The Redeemer by Jo Nesbø Page B

Book: The Redeemer by Jo Nesbø Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jo Nesbø
Tags: Fiction, General, Mystery & Detective, Crime
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white flakes stand still in the air outside the window, as though listening.
    Robert placed the point of the knife in the centre of the heart. 'If I find you even once in the vicinity of you know who . . .' He put his hand around the shaft of the knife and leaned forward. His body weight forced the blade into the dry wood with a crunch. 'I'll destroy you, Jon. I swear I will.'
    'Am I disturbing?' came a voice from the door.
    'Not at all, fru Rue,' Robert said, as sweet as pie. 'My brother was just about to leave.'
    The Chief Superintendent and the new POB, Gunnar Hagen, stopped talking when Bjarne Møller came into his office. Which of course was no longer his.
    'Well, do you like the view?' Møller asked in what he hoped was a cheery tone. And added: 'Gunnar.' The name felt strange on his tongue.
    'Mm, Oslo is always a sad sight in December,' Gunnar Hagen said. 'But we'll have to see whether we can sort that out, too.'
    Møller felt an urge to ask what he meant by 'too', but stopped when he saw the Chief Superintendent give a nod of approval.
    'I was giving Gunnar the low-down on the people around here. In all confidence, you understand.'
    'Ah, yes, you two know each other from before.'
    'Yes indeed,' said the Chief Superintendent. 'Gunnar and I have known each other ever since we were cadets at what used to be called Police School.'
    'It said in the memo that you do the Birkebeiner race every year,' Møller said, turning to Gunnar Hagen. 'Did you know that the Chief Superintendent does, too?'
    'Oh, yes, indeed.' Hagen looked over at the Chief Superintendent with a smile. 'Sometimes Torleif and I go together. And try to outdo each other in the final spurt.'
    'Well, I never,' Møller said, amused. 'So if the Chief had been on the appointment board, he could have been accused of cronyism.'
    The Chief Superintendent gave a dry chuckle and Bjarne Møller an admonitory glance.
    'I was telling Gunnar about the man you so generously presented with a watch.'
    'Harry Hole?'
    'Yes,' Gunnar Hagen said. 'I know he's the man who killed an inspector in connection with that tedious smuggling business. Tore the man's arm off in a lift, I heard. And now he's also under suspicion of leaking the case to the press. Not good.'
    'First of all, the "tedious smuggling business" was a gang of pros, with offshoots in the police, who flooded Oslo with cheap handguns for years,' Bjarne Møller said, trying in vain to keep the irritation out of his voice. 'A case which Hole, despite the resistance here in HQ, solved unaided thanks to many years of painstaking police work. Secondly, he killed Waaler in self-defence and it was the lift that tore off his arm. And, thirdly, we have no evidence whatsoever regarding who leaked what.'
    Gunnar Hagen and the Chief Superintendent exchanged glances.
    'Be that as it may,' the Chief Superintendent said, 'he's someone you'll have to keep an eye on, Gunnar. From what I gather his girlfriend left him of late. And we know that men with Harry's bad habits are extra susceptible to relapses. Which, of course, we cannot accept, however many cases he's solved in this unit.'
    'I'll keep him in line,' Hagen said.
    'He's an inspector,' Møller said, closing his eyes. 'Not rank and file. Not very keen on being kept in line, either.'
    Gunnar Hagen nodded slowly as his hand went up through his thick wreath of hair.
    'When is it you begin in Bergen . . .' Hagen lowered his hand, 'Bjarne?'
    Møller guessed his name sounded just as strange on the other man's tongue.
    Harry wandered down Urtegata and could see by the footwear of the people he met that he was getting close to the Lighthouse. The guys in the Narco Unit used to say that no one did more for the identification of addicts than the Army & Navy surplus stores. Because sooner or later military footwear ended up on junkies' feet via the Salvation Army. In the summer it was blue trainers; in the winter, like now, the junkie's uniform was black military boots together with a green

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