The Return of the Titans
is alive and okay.” Then his smile faded. “Because if I
think any other way, I may start screaming. You know?”
    “Yeah, Aaron. I know.”
Justin jumped a bit as a quiet, metallic chime rang out. He looked
at Aaron who shrugged.
    “Wonder what that is?”
Aaron asked, glancing around the room. The chime rang again and
then they heard a pounding on the door.
    Justin grinned. “It must have been the
doorbell,” he said to Aaron. The other boy nodded, then stood and
walked to the door. He touched the button on the wall and the door
slid open.
    Mrs. Mallon was standing there along with
another older man. Both of them were carrying bundles. “You really
must learn to open the door on the first ring, gentlemen,” she said
rather breathlessly as she walked into the room and dumped her load
on to a couch. The man did the same. He smiled at the boys and
    “Sorry, Mrs. Mallon,”
Justin said, slightly embarrassed. “We didn't know there was a
    The woman didn't look too annoyed and just
chuckled. “That's all right, Mr. McLeod. Just so you know, when the
outside button is pressed, and someone is inside, the chime will
ring. Courtesy, you understand.”
    Aaron looked puzzled. “But how does the door
know that someone is inside the room?”
    Mrs. Mallon waved her hand absently. “I
haven't the foggiest, my dear. Not my department, so to speak. And
you needn't get up to open the door when the chime rings. Just say
come in and the door will open. Now.” she indicated the two
bundles, “we have clothes for both of you. Not a lot at the moment,
but if you decide to stay, we'll get you more.” She opened one of
the bundles and looked at a tag inside. “Ah yes, these are yours,
Mr. McLeod. Two shirts, one pair of pants, underwear, socks and
pajamas. If you hadn't already noticed, your bathing things are
under your beds.” She looked at them. “Now, if you need anything
tonight, there will be someone on duty at the intersection just up
the hall. Just ask for whatever you need. Anything else?”
    Justin was wondering something. “Um, Mrs.
Mallon? How exactly do we know what time it is? I don't have a
watch and I'm guessing that my time wouldn't be the same as
Sanctuary's time anyway.”
    The woman looked surprised. “Didn't anyone
explain that to you?” Both boys shook their head. “Oh for heaven's
sake! That Jonathon. Honestly, I'm going to have to give him a list
for the next group that comes in, to remind him of what you all
need to know.” She shook her head. “Anyway, that can wait.” Mrs
Mallon pointed to the space above the archway leading into the
bedroom. “There's your clock, Mr. McLeod.”
    Justin and Aaron looked at the carvings
above the arch. There was a picture of the sun, with twelve rays
emanating from it. Outside of the rays was a small carving of a
planet, Justin thought it was the Earth. Just inside that carving
was a smaller one of the moon. He stared at it then looked at Mrs.
Mallon. “I don't understand,” he said.
    “Oh Justin,” she said,
forgetting to be formal, “just watch it for a moment.”
    The boys watched the carving. Aaron moved
closer and looked up at it intently.
    “Whoa! The moon is moving!
How's it doing that? It's made of stone.” He looked at Mrs. Mallon.
“Isn't it?” he asked.
    Once again she shrugged. “Again, not my
department, dear. But however it works, it's easy enough to
understand.” She pointed. “The Earth is the hour hand. The moon is
the minute hand. So, you can see that it is now ten minutes after
eleven, Sanctuary time. Which means it's high time you two were in
    Justin ignored the rather pointed command
and watch the clock. It sure looked like stone but Aaron was right.
It was moving. He just watched in amazement.
    Mrs. Mallon cleared her throat loudly and
the two boys jumped. “You've both had a busy day, and while it may
be early by your time, it will be easier to adjust to our time if
you get to sleep soon.” She shook

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