The Rhythm of Rain

The Rhythm of Rain by C. L. Scholey

Book: The Rhythm of Rain by C. L. Scholey Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. L. Scholey
Tags: Fiction
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gone crazy.
    Rain grabbed the shirt she had been wearing but it was ripped. She raced for Jaron's and slipped it over her head. She was screaming for them to stop but they couldn't hear her over the foul words they were yelling. Rain struggled into the boxers and her shoes. She looked down. Jaron's gun handle was peeking out from under the couch. It must have fallen to the floor when she had pulled his jeans down. Rain snatched it up.
    She stood looking at the gun, then to Telor then Jaron. She couldn't shoot it. What if the bullet went through the walls or ceiling? She might accidently kill someone. Neither man would think she would use it on them. Telor loved her, and she had just had sex with Jaron. Oh God, how was she going to explain that to Telor? Here he was only trying to protect her.
    Rain's yelling did nothing to help either of them. Jaron had Telor up off the ground by his throat. Telor kneed him in the balls. Jaron dropped him and with a hard jab with his elbow into Telor's chest, both men stumbled back to regroup. Rain went flying into Telor's arms.
    "It's not what it looks like," she raced to explain.
    Telor didn't take his eyes off Jaron, who had yanked on his jeans and was zipping his pants. Telor was breathing hard and fast. Jaron was glaring at him. Rain had no doubt Telor was lucky to be alive. Both men were powerful and well matched in size, but Telor was not a cruel man. Just looking at Jaron, Rain decided it was best if she kept her hands on the gun.
    "He raped you," Telor said, snarling. It was apparent he was ready to begin the battle all over again.
    "He didn't rape me," Rain said in a quiet tone.
    Telor did look down at her then. His gaze was awash with confusion. "But you screamed. It's how I knew what apartment you were in. I saw him drag you into the building."
    Rain could feel herself blush with embarrassment. "Telor, Jaron is the one who saved my life when my parents were murdered."
    "He shot your mother," Telor ground out. "What shit has he been filling your head with?"
    Rain realized Telor must have looked up the tragedy. That must be how he had found her. It was just sheer luck on his side that Jaron would take her back to the scene of the crime.
    "Jaron didn't kill my mother. I remember what happened. I know now why I dance the way I do in the storms. The trail I take is the same one I took with my mother that awful night. After my mother died, it was Jaron who came out of the shadows. He was only twelve. Jaron hid me. He wasn't strong enough to pick me up and run with me.
    "He had just seen my mother get shot in the back. Jaron would have been next. So he hid me and ran. He brought me here so I would remember, and I do. Telor, he saved my life that night."
    Telor stood for a moment as if trying to comprehend what she was saying. A wounded look filtered across his face, and Rain's heart hurt for him as realization sank in. Telor knew what Rain was like after she danced in a storm. Telor knew exactly what she craved, and though he strove to help her find release he never could. Rain could see he understood now why she had screamed.
    "He kidnapped you," Telor said almost in a pleading tone. "He set your house on fire."
    "Jaron didn't set the fire, and he took me away to save me from Carver," Rain said and shot Jaron a dark look. "It was to save me, right?"
    "You're wearing my shirt, and give me my gun," Jaron said. He slipped on his squeaky wet runners.
    "I'm not leaving here nude, and until everyone calms down I'm keeping the weapon."
    "Carver is still coming for you," Jaron replied calmly. "You gonna shoot him?"
    "Rain's never fired a weapon in her life," Telor snapped.
    Rain looked up at Telor. She knew he was hurt and angry, but he still loved her. Rain frowned when she gazed over at Jaron. Piercing brown eyes glared at Telor. When Jaron moved toward them, Telor pulled Rain behind him. The action made Jaron smirk.
    "If Carver walks through that door, the only hope Rain has is me," Jaron

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