The Ringmaster's Secret

The Ringmaster's Secret by Carolyn G. Keene

Book: The Ringmaster's Secret by Carolyn G. Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn G. Keene
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    “Thanks, Bess,” said Nancy. “Now how am I going to fool Kroon into thinking I’m you!”
    Erika, who overheard the remark, smiled. “It won’t be any trouble,” she said. “Our makeup artist can fix that. With a blond wig and some stage makeup, you’ll fool him all right!”
    “Let’s start,” Nancy urged.
    The three girls went off together, and within half an hour Nancy’s appearance was considerably changed. As the girls left the makeup tent, they almost bumped into George Fayne. She stared at Nancy as if she had seen a ghost.
    “What’s been going on?” she exclaimed.
    Quickly George was brought up to date, then Nancy asked, “Did Dad call?”
    George grinned. She said that Mr. Drew had telephoned and would be happy to let Nancy pinch-hit in the circus act.
    “What’s more,” George added, “your aunt is flying in with him to see tonight’s performance.”
    “How wonderful!” Nancy cried. Then it suddenly occurred to her that she had told Hannah she would be home at six o’clock and it was now six thirty. Nancy decided to call her at once.
    “I’ll invite her to the evening performance,” Nancy thought, her eyes dancing. “But I’ll keep my part in it a surprise.”
    After Nancy explained to the housekeeper that she was still at the circus, Hannah Gruen told her that Chief McGinnis had called.
    “He says to tell you that fellow Hitch has disappeared. You’re to watch your step!”
    The news disturbed Nancy. She felt sure that the stableman had run away because he was guilty of the three suspicious incidents.
    “Did the chief tell you anything else?” Nancy asked the housekeeper.
    “Yes. One of his men found some souvenir whips hidden in Hitch’s quarters. And he told me that Hitch had tried to strangle you. You must be careful, Nancy. That fellow’s clothes are still at the stable, which means he probably hasn’t gone far.”
    Nancy was worried. It occurred to her that Hitch might be lurking around the circus grounds, planning more deviltry. If he were, nobody would be safe.
    Aloud Nancy said, “Don’t think any more about it. I’m going to stay for the evening circus performance and I’d like you to come. Dad will be here with someone else you like.”
    Hannah promised to attend, and Nancy said she would leave a ticket for her at the entrance booth. After bidding Hannah good-by, Nancy went to find Dan Webster. He was pleased to hear that she had her father’s approval and promised to have Box AA set aside for her that evening.
    When Nancy told him about Hitch and her suspicions that he might be hiding on the circus grounds, Dan’s face became livid with anger. “Why that shriveled-up good-for-nothing!” he shouted. “I never did have any use for him. I’ll find him! He won’t get away with another of his tricks!”
    Telling Nancy to go ahead to the big tent, the horse trainer hurried off to start a search. When Nancy arrived at the riding ring, she was delighted to hear that Rancoco had persuaded the ringmaster to view the act from one of the boxes.
    “That way he won’t be able to tell you aren’t the same girl he saw before.” Rancoco grinned.
    Everything went smoothly and Kroon seemed satisfied with the act. After he had left the tent, Bess came out of hiding. Nancy told her there would be seats for her and George in Box AA. The girls said good-by to Nancy and left for their homes.
    Nancy joined Lolita at the cafeteria for supper. Suddenly remembering the conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Kroon that Pietro had overheard, Nancy asked Lolita, “Did your own parents leave any money in trust for you?”
    “Oh no,” Lolita replied. “In fact Mr. Kroon once told me I was penniless and completely dependent on him.”
    As she finished speaking, a gong sounded in the cafeteria tent. Lolita explained that it was a signal to the circus people to get ready for the evening performance.
    “I must hurry and try on my costume,” Nancy said. “See you

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