The River Charm

The River Charm by Belinda Murrell Page B

Book: The River Charm by Belinda Murrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Belinda Murrell
Tags: Fiction
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American Esquimaux. They are a truly fascinating people. Then I need to talk to the super­intendent about the sheep. The ewes will be starting to lamb.’
    James pulled a disgusted face, his fringe flopping over one eye.
    â€˜No, Mamma – please no arithmetic,’ Charlotte wheedled, putting down her bread roll smothered in marmalade. ‘Why don’t we do a composition, or perhaps we could just ride up to the mountain and sketch?’
    Mamma smiled again. ‘Definitely arithmetic this morning, but possibly we can go for a wander after lunch and sketch down by the rivulet?’
    â€˜That would be heavenly,’ agreed Emily, the peacemaker. ‘Perhaps we could catch some frogs for James and sketch those?’
    Mamma brushed Emily’s forehead with her fingertips. ‘I think that would be an excellent compromise, dearest.’
    Suddenly a loud crash came from the back of the house, near the kitchen.
    â€˜Mrs Barton – woman!’ yelled a loud male voice.
    Mamma stiffened and went pale. ‘Quickly, children,’ she urged, standing up with a small, forced smile. ‘Finish your breakfast and then go to the schoolroom and start your arithmetic. I’ll come in shortly to see how you are progressing.’
    Mamma hurried from the room, back straight, her full skirts swishing.
    â€˜It’s Mr Barton,’ Charlotte announced gloomily. ‘He’s back.’
    Emily dropped her crust, no longer hungry. James stood, clutching his butterknife smeared with strawberry jam. Louisa’s bottom lip trembled.
    â€˜Oh, there you are, woman,’ yelled the rough voice from the back verandah. ‘You bother to welcome your husband home then?’
    â€˜Where have you been?’ their mother asked.
    â€˜Oh, I’ve been away on business.’ His voice sounded slurred. ‘Not that it’s any business of yours what your husband chooses to do.’
    â€˜Business at the tavern by the sound of you,’ replied Mamma, sounding bitter. ‘You have been gone for a week. Perhaps you could tell me why the silver dinner service has disappeared? Plus all the money I had hidden in the tea caddy– the whole quarter’s allowance is gone. I do not suppose you know what may have happened to that?’
    There was another loud crash, either of something being thrown or someone falling. Charlotte felt her neck muscles clench with anxiety.
    â€˜Nagging, nagging – always nagging,’ shouted Mr Barton. ‘I swear I don’t know what I did to deserve such a shrew for a wife. Spare a man from a wicked tongue.’
    Charlotte glanced at her siblings. Louisa stared at the door with wide, frightened eyes. James picked up his butterknife again and clutched it firmly. Emily, her eyes swimming with tears, bit her fingernails.
    â€˜Come on,’ Charlotte whispered, gesturing to the others. ‘Mamma wished us to start our schoolwork.’
    â€˜I wish I could kill him,’ whispered James, jabbing his butterknife into his bread roll. ‘He is an evil man.’
    â€˜Shush, James,’ replied Emily in horror. ‘You don’t mean that.’
    â€˜I do,’ James insisted, lifting up the butterknife like a sword. ‘I wish I was older, then I would cut out his wicked heart.’
    Charlotte pushed away her half-eaten breakfast.
    â€˜I know he’s difficult, but he’s our stepfather,’ Charlotte reminded her younger siblings. ‘It would grieve Mamma if we were to vex him.’
    â€˜He’s a thief and a villain,’ insisted James, his voice rising. ‘He steals from us and from Mamma, the things that Papa worked and paid for. He gets drunk and does nothing to help Mamma with the farms. He would be better off dead.’
    â€˜Hush, James,’ repeated Charlotte, glancing nervously towards the door. ‘He’ll hear you and then we’ll all be in trouble.’

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