The Scarlet Kimono (Choc Lit)

The Scarlet Kimono (Choc Lit) by Christina Courtenay

Book: The Scarlet Kimono (Choc Lit) by Christina Courtenay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Courtenay
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
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    ‘Don’t be impertinent.’ Her father scowled at her. ‘You know full well that parents arrange these matters.’
    ‘You’ve always been a great favourite with your younger cousins,’ her mother put in, ‘they adore you. And since Mr Hesketh needs a wife who can take care of his children properly, we all thought you would be ideal.’
    ‘I want children of my own, not someone else’s,’ Hannah muttered.
    ‘You’ll have your own as well. A few more or less makes no odds, surely? Now you know we have your best interests at heart,’ her mother added trying to sound soothing, but she succeeded only in annoying Hannah further.
    ‘My best interests? To marry me to a man old enough to be my father? That’s disgusting!’
    ‘Hannah!’ Her mother looked scandalised, but her father held up his hand to stop her from saying anything else.
    ‘He’s only thirty-two,’ he said, ‘which isn’t terribly old. It may seem that way to you now, but in a few years you’ll think differently. Your mother and I are of the opinion that you need a steadying hand. The fact that Mr Hesketh has more experience of life than you can only be a positive thing. You’re too headstrong for your own good. Don’t think we haven’t noticed you running wild with Edward, even though you’re much too old for such behaviour. You must learn some decorum.’
    ‘I don’t run “wild”, I just …’
    ‘Hannah, it’s simply not seemly for a girl your age. You’re not a child, it is time you acted responsibly. We suspect you need something to occupy you and caring for Mr Hesketh’s children will keep you busy.’
    ‘But I don’t want to marry him! He’s already buried two wives and I’d have five step-children. Five!’
    ‘Nothing unusual in that. The responsibility will help you to mature.’
    ‘I don’t like him,’ Hannah gritted out through clenched teeth. ‘There must be someone else I could marry. Anyone!’
    ‘Don’t be so melodramatic. Hesketh is an excellent fellow. I’ve known him for years. No doubt you’ll become used to him and he’s well able to provide for both yourself and his offspring. Why, he has a fine house and plenty of servants. You’ll want for nothing.’
    Hannah blinked back tears. She wanted to protest further, but she knew it would be no use. Once her parents decided on something, they refused to listen to any arguments to the contrary. From now on, she could fight it all she liked, but in the end they would win. That was always the way.
    She closed her eyes and tried to listen to the voice of reason. Her parents claimed they wanted what was best for her and they had chosen Mr Hesketh. It was her duty to accept their choice with good grace. And Father had said the man was an ‘excellent fellow’. Surely he should know?
    Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad after all.
    But then why did she feel as if she was going to the scaffold?

Chapter Six
    Northern Japan, July 1611
    When Taro went to pay his wife an evening visit some days after his conversation with Yanagihara, he was still mulling over the old man’s words. He had decided to try a different tack, which was why he was here. Normally, he would send for her to come to his suite of rooms, but tonight he had thought to surprise her. In his sleeve he had a gift, an exquisite jewelled comb that he’d had brought specially from the capital Edo. He hoped that by giving her such lovely trinkets, she would soften towards him at last and open up fully, in mind as well as body.
    How could she possibly fail to appreciate a husband who treated her so handsomely?
    Instead of the usual group of serving women, however, he was startled to come face to face with only Reiko in the ante-room to his wife’s bedchamber. Her face lit up at the sight of him, obviously pleased, but try as he might, he couldn’t reciprocate with so much as a smile. He managed to keep the irritation out of his voice as he announced, ‘I’ve come to see my wife.’ He

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