The Scarlet Slipper Mystery
will they be glad to meet you!” Ned said.
    He went inside the cabin to explain the arrangement to his friends while Henri and the girls unloaded the car. Presently two good-look ing youths, one tall and blond, the other short and dark, strode down the path.
    “Hi, Nancy!” said the tall one.
    “Hello, Steve,” she answered, and to the shorter boy, “Art, how are you?”
    The Fontaines were introduced and at once both boys became very solicitous about Helene. Conversing gaily, they escorted her toward the cabin. Nancy followed, with Ned and Henri carrying the luggage. The young detective smiled. The plan was working out even better than she had anticipated! The various angles of the mystery were explained to Steve and Art.
    At the end Nancy remarked, “As you can see, this whole business has to be kept secret. The lives of the Fontaines may be in danger if anyone finds out where they are.”
    Steve said, “You can count on us for protection —at least until late tomorrow night. Then we’ll have to leave.”
    Nancy turned to the brother and sister. “I’ll be out to see you. In the meantime, we can keep in touch with one another by phone. I suggest we don’t use names, though. Let’s identify ourselves with the word scarlet.”
    “Good,” Helene agreed. Then impulsively she threw her arms around Nancy’s neck and kissed her.
    Steve whistled. “Wish I were a detective,” he said, and Helene blushed.
    Henri thanked Nancy and Ned for coming to the Fontaines’ rescue and wished them a safe trip home.
    The young detective and her date drove back to River Heights silently for a while; then Ned chuckled. “It isn’t often that I get a chance to ride along the Muskoka River with you in the moonlight. Guess I can thank my lucky stars tonight.”
    Nancy smiled and looked up at the sky. The conversation continued in a light vein until they pulled up in front of the Drew home and walked to the door. Then Nancy again became the alert investigator. The house was dark and she heard Togo barking furiously.
    “Something must be wrong, Ned. Dad and Hannah would never allow Togo to keep barking. And there’s always a light on.”
    Nancy unlocked the door and she and Ned stepped into the hallway. Ned clicked on the light. The dog was not in sight and the barking seemed curiously muffled.
    “Togo’s in the coat closet,” said Ned, going toward a door under the stairway.
    At the same time, Nancy caught a glimpse of the Drews’ housekeeper gagged and tied to a chair in the living room. Quickly the young detective snapped on a light and hurried over to the woman.
    “Hannah!” Nancy cried, aghast, removing the gag. “Who did this? The fiend!”
    At first Mrs. Gruen could not even speak, but she took several deep breaths as Nancy untied the bonds and slipped them off. Nancy’s outburst had brought Ned from the hall, a whimpering Togo in his arms. He stared in astonishment.

    “Hannah!” Nancy cried. “Who did this to you?”
    Finally Mrs. Gruen said, “He was a fiend all right. She was too. But I didn’t tell them! I didn’t! I didn’t say a word!”
    “Who?” Ned asked in bewilderment.
    Nancy realized that the woman was hysterical. Hannah got only as far as explaining where Mr. Drew had gone, then had to give up. Nancy put an arm around her.
    “Hannah, dear, you’ve had an awful fright and I want to know what happened. But don’t try to talk any more until you rest and I bring you some tea.”
    As she started for the kitchen, Togo leaped from Ned’s arms into Nancy’s and began licking her in overjoyed affection. She carried him with her and gave him a puppy biscuit.
    Nancy returned to the living room in a few minutes with tea. Between sips, Hannah, somewhat recovered, told her story.
    “Brave little Togo,” she said in conclusion. “I guess he’s the reason that awful man didn’t carry out his threat to harm me. Togo got out of the drapery he’d been rolled in and nearly bit the woman. Then the man

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