The Scent of Lies: A Paradise Valley Mystery

The Scent of Lies: A Paradise Valley Mystery by Debra Burroughs

Book: The Scent of Lies: A Paradise Valley Mystery by Debra Burroughs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Burroughs
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
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    “That’s probably best,” Delia agreed. “Do you want to have another go at it?”
    Emily looked across to the bar, but she didn’t see Ricardo or Anna there any longer. She glanced around the room. “Do you see him anywhere?”
    Delia surveyed the crowd at the bar as well, but shook her head. At six foot four, he would have easily stood out. Her gaze shot around the room, “I don’t see him.”
    “Do you think maybe he left?” Emily asked.
    “He better not have.” Her red-painted lips tightened over her clenched teeth.
    “Well, I can go take a look around to see if his car is still here. If it isn’t I can check my GPS monitor to find out where he went.” Emily looked down and appraised her outfit. “Although I suppose I’m not really dressed for surveillance. Rookie mistake,” she laughed, “I should have packed something more comfortable—just in case.”
    “Thank you, Emily. I’m really grateful you’re here tonight.” Delia gave her a quick hug. “I have a clean set of workout clothes you can wear. I’ll take you to the en suite in my office. You can change there.”
    Emily smiled with relief. “That’s perfect. It’s a little hard to be inconspicuous in an evening gown.”
    “While you change I can look around to see if Ricardo is in his office. Although I can’t imagine him working on a night like tonight.” Delia’s warm brown eyes grew moist as she said it. She was clearly hurting from her husband’s apparent infidelity. Even though she had said earlier that finding out if he was stealing money was more important to her, it was clear the thought of him cheating cut her twice as deeply.
    Delia unlocked her office and showed Emily into the en suite bathroom. It was nicer than Emily’s en suite at home. Although, she shouldn’t have expected anything less from what she knew of Delia so far.
    She pointed to a closet in the corner. “I have a selection of yoga pants, t-shirts, and sweatshirts in there. Help yourself to whatever you want.” She glanced down at Emily’s feet. “Size seven?”
    Emily nodded.
    “Perfect. There are some sneakers in there as well. They’re seven and a half but they should do the trick.” Delia let out a long sigh. “I’m going to look around the offices. I’ll call you as soon as I’m done then we’ll go from there.”
    While she waited for a call from Delia, Emily changed into a pair of black yoga pants and a long-sleeved Heaven Scent logo t-shirt. She found a pair of slip-on sneakers and sat down on an overstuffed chair in the corner to wait. Her thoughts drifted to the odd silver key she had found hidden in Evan’s clothes. She had tucked it into her change purse, wanting to keep it close in case she figured out what it unlocked.
    She fished it out of her purse, held it up to the light. It was then that she noticed three faint letters stamped on the other side of it. She hadn’t seen them before in dimmer light of her closet at home. The letters were BOI. I wonder what those letters mean.
    BOI was a common abbreviation for Boise, so it could represent a lot of places in the Boise area. A locker at the train or bus station, the Boise YMCA or another fitness place—maybe a PO Box, private mailbox, or even a safe deposit box—her mind ran through the list.
    Just then her cell phone began to ring, jolting her out of her thoughts.
    “Emily, this is Delia. I’m back at the party, and I haven’t been able to find Ricardo anywhere. I think it’s time you track him down.”
    “I’m on it, Delia.”
    “Can you find your way back out, or do you want me to come back and take you?”
    “I’m pretty sure I can find my way, thanks. I’ll let you know what I find out.”
    Emily made her way to the parking lot and hopped in her vehicle. She flipped the GPS monitor on and watched for the indicator as she drove away. This should be easy. It looks like he’s back at the same condo. She drove toward downtown Boise, keeping an eye on the

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