The Secret Heiress

The Secret Heiress by Judith Gould Page A

Book: The Secret Heiress by Judith Gould Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judith Gould
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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Even now, as she sat in the uncomfortable chair in the studio, Greg’s shouted instructions and the loud music faded into the background, and she felt her pulse begin to race and a rush of electricity run through her body as she remembered the warmth of his flesh against her own, the distinctly masculine aroma that he exuded, enveloping her in its erotic potency, and the powerful yet tender way he made love to her.
    Bianca was jerked out of her reverie when Frans sauntered off the white ground and directly toward her, his walk cockier than ever and his arrogant, brooding expression more pronounced than usual. When he reached her, he abruptly came to a halt and thrust his groin toward her obscenely. Followed by the flash of a thousand-watt smile, exposing his perfect white teeth. Then he blew her a kiss before striding back to the white fabric within camera range.
    “Frans, you motherfucker!” Greg screamed at the top of his lungs, the veins in his throat extended with the effort.
    Bianca immediately made a decision and rose to her feet. She quickly tiptoed to the door and left the studio, closing the door as silently as possible behind her. She was obviously too much of a distraction for Frans, and she’d better wait for him downstairs in the limo.
    “Leaving already?” Merilee said, gazing up at her.
    Bianca nodded, slipping into her coat.
    “Greg getting a little too worked up for you?” Merilee said with a glint of mischief in her eye. “I could hear him screaming some of his sweeter profanities, even over the music.”
    Bianca shrugged and pushed the call button for the elevator. “I’m not in the mood to listen to it today,” she replied. “Besides, it looks like it’s going to be a great shoot.”
    “Okay,” Merilee said. “See you later.”
    “ ’Bye.” Bianca sketched a wave in the air as the elevator arrived. On the way down, she checked her wristwatch. She was surprised that so much time had passed since she’d arrived, but she knew it might last another hour or so. Even longer. Frans had her cell number, so she would run some errands and swing back by for him when he was ready.
    Nearly three hours later, Frans opened the limousine’s door and slid onto the leather seat next to her. Wrapping an arm around her, he kissed her long and passionately, as if he had been starving for her. When he drew back at last and gazed into her eyes, his expression was that of a man deeply in love, Bianca thought.
    “I’ve missed you,” he said.
    “I’ve missed you, too,” she said. “So much.”
    They began kissing again, disregarding the chauffeur, who made an effort to ignore them by staring out the window. When they drew apart again, Bianca brushed the side of Frans’s face with a hand. “I want to make a stop on the way to the apartment,” she said. “Is that okay with you?”
    “It won’t take long, will it?”
    She shook her head. “No. Just a few minutes. Besides, I think you’ll enjoy it.”
    “It’s a surprise,” she replied mysteriously. She turned toward the front of the limousine. “Azad?” she said to the driver. “Take us to the address I gave you before.”
    The handsome Kurdish driver nodded, and the big limousine began moving through the busy streets toward midtown. Frans took Bianca in his arms once again, peppering her face with kisses, his tongue darting out to flick at her ears and neck. When the car pulled over at the curb, Azad rushed out and opened the door on Bianca’s side.
    “Let’s go,” she said, drawing back from Frans.
    “Okay,” he said.
    She exited the car with him following close behind her. On the sidewalk, Frans blinked at the heavy filigreed iron and glass door and the sign beside it. Harry Winston.
    “What’s this?” he asked, taking her arm. “The jewelry store?”
    Bianca nodded. “Hmmm,” she purred with a smile. She led the way, and before Frans could open the door, the uniformed doorman swung it wide for them. Bianca knew

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