The Secret of Fatima

The Secret of Fatima by Peter J; Tanous Page B

Book: The Secret of Fatima by Peter J; Tanous Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter J; Tanous
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    Kevin raised an eyebrow. The Vatican has been involved in many world events, but the possibility of the Church taking a role in a Middle East war was preposterous, borderline wacky. Kevin remained reticent, nodding for the cardinal to continue.
    â€œNo doubt you’re wondering what it has to do with us. Simply put, this war could be nuclear, hence, apocalyptic. There are predictions in the Bible as well as in various Revelations about such an apocalypse opening a new era for Christianity. The official position of the Church is that when the time comes, God will tell us how to proceed.”
    Very interesting , Kevin thought. An apocalypse? Are we being serious? Glancing over at Drotti, he noted his eyes were wide open and his mouth slightly agog.
    â€œI know what you’re thinking, gentlemen,” Porter said. “You’re thinking this is strange. But hear me out.” The cardinal walked over to the floor-to-ceiling cabinet of rare books. Up on his tiptoes, he reached, retrieved a leather Bible, blew off a thin film of dust, and flipped through the pages.
    â€œHere it is,” he said without looking up. “Matthew 24.”
    Porter began to read:
    â€œ And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? ’
    â€œ And Jesus answered and said unto them, ‘Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying , I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places .’”
    Flipping the page, Cardinal Porter continued. “ And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many .”
    Porter closed the book.
    Drotti and Kevin looked at each other, puzzled.
    Porter smiled. “You’re not understanding?”
    â€œNot really,” Drotti said. “My personal recollection of Matthew 24 is the ending in which he talks about the weeping and gnashing of teeth, which I always found somewhat colorful.”
    â€œWhat does this have to do with us?” asked Kevin. “More specifically, what does it have to do with me?”
    â€œThe group, Opus Mundi, believes today’s Catholic Church has strayed from its original teachings. They contend the Church is being led by a ‘false prophet.’ In this case, His Holiness, Quintus II. As the passage suggests, ‘nations shall rise against nations,’ resulting in a war. Simply put, a war will fulfill the prophecy, and then the false prophet will be replaced. See where this is heading?”
    As the men looked at each other, a loaded silence followed. In the hallway, a clock chimed. Everything seemed surreal. Kevin felt as though time had stopped. Finally he spoke. “Are you saying they’re going to kill the pope?”
    Cardinal Porter shrugged. “That’s possible. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
    â€œHow does the pope feel about all of this?” asked Drotti.
    â€œThe pontiff is aware of it,” said Porter. “But he insists on ‘business as usual,’ on keeping his schedule. However, security has been heightened.”
    â€œWell, even if the Pope dies, Opus Mundi can’t replace him,” Drotti said. “Only the College of Cardinals can elect a new pope. Am I missing something here?”
    â€œWe don’t have all the answers,” the Cardinal said. “That’s why Kevin is here and on the case. We believe Kevin has the resources and gumption to find the answers we’re looking for.”
    â€œI’ll do my best,” said Kevin. Good God, what did this mean? Would he have to eliminate the

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