The Shanghai Moon
don’t know. Just a robbery?”
    “Some days, the bear gets you. We have three unsolved robberies in this neighborhood, last two months. Just like this. Daytime, high floor, vic alone. My theory? Messenger with a jones, just delivered whatever, now he’s in the building. Finds a one-man show, easy pickings.”
    “Did anyone get killed in those others?”
    “Maybe the vics didn’t put up a fuss. Would Pilarsky have? Instead of forking over?”
    I gritted my teeth and nodded. “He could get—indignant.”
    “Civilians.” Mulgrew shook his head.
    “He was an ex–Port Authority cop.”
    “Oh, really?” He spoke with the thick condescension the NYPD reserves for the lower cop orders. I wanted to slug him. “What about you? You ex-PA, too?”
    “I’ve always been private.”
    That got me an even more patronizing “I see.” Then: “Did Pilarsky go armed?”
    “No. He shot someone on the job once and he didn’t like it.”
    Mulgrew wrote that down, too, and flipped the notebook shut. So much for Joel. An ex-PA cop with a never-been-a-cop girl employee, unarmed because he was squeamish about shooting people, arguing with a stickup artist in his one-man office. What did he expect? Case closed.
    “They have their own ambulances,” I said.
    “Orthodox Jews. There are special ways you have to handle the body.” Actually, I wasn’t sure Joel cared. He’d told me once about the ambulances, but I didn’t remember him saying to make certain he was carried away in one. But he had said I should get up here fast, and I hadn’t. In case the ambulance thing was important to him, I wanted to get it right.
    Mulgrew hissed a sigh. “I think the Department can handle the protocol. Okay, go. Wait—what about you? You don’t carry, right?”
    “I do sometimes, but not now.” I opened my jacket and showed him. Before he could ask, I opened my bag, too. He waved it closed as though I were trying to sell him something.
    “So you do and Pilarsky didn’t?” Clearly for him that was backwards, just wrong.
    “I shot someone once, too. I didn’t like it either. But I’d have liked it less if he shot me.”
    Mulgrew smiled.
    I still wanted to slug him.

    Mary drove me back to Chinatown. Somewhere past Fourteenth Street I roused myself to ask, “Can I call Alice?”
    “The client?”
    “I assume that charming Mulgrew will follow up with her?”
    “He thinks there’s probably no connection. He’s hoping for the messenger with the jones who can close this and the three open robberies at the same time. But he’ll go through the motions.”
    “Then I’d like her to hear it from me. He doesn’t have the greatest bedside manner. Or any kind of manner. The bear gets you. Jerk.”
    “I guess it’s okay.” Mary’s tone said that as a friend she agreed and as a cop she’d rather I didn’t call. I ignored the cop.
    As it turned out, though, it didn’t matter. “No answer.” I pocketed my phone. “I left a message on the room phone and her cell, just to call me.”
    Mary nodded. The cop was probably relieved. “You want to go home?”
    “No, thanks, to my office.” I couldn’t face telling my mother about this, not yet.
    Mary dropped me on the west end of Canal. “Should I come in?”
    “No, I’m fine.”
    “You forget I’ve seen you when you’re fine. But okay. Call me if you need me?”
    “You know I will.”
    She went back to work and I went in the street door that bore a nameplate for Golden Adventure Travel, but not my name. My office was the second one inside. As long as my clients came out with brochures about cruises through the Guilin mountains, who was to say where they’d really been?
    I waved at the travel ladies as though this were a normal day. “Welcome back!” Andi Gee called, looking perplexed when I didn’t stop to chat after a month away. I’d have to mend that fence later, but right now I needed to be alone.
    Unlocking my door, I stepped into the dusty stillness of

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