The Sheikh's Destiny

The Sheikh's Destiny by Olivia Gates

Book: The Sheikh's Destiny by Olivia Gates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Gates
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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    Earlier, he’d had to touch her. This was his first voluntary touch, an answer to her request to let her closer. An acceptance she’d only dreamed of having. Every impulse strained to pull that hand that had been bruised in her defense to her lips, to worship every knuckle and callus.
    A gasp escaped from her throat, as without tugging on her, just by tightening his grip, he was on his feet, towering over her. He was so close—his heat and scent flooded her, his aura cloaked her. For a haywire series of heartbeats she thought he’d...
    He only stood there, looking down at their joined hands.
    Then he raised them along with that delightful eyebrow. “Where do you want me now?”
    Anywhere. Everywhere. As long as you’re in my life.
    Good thing she wasn’t that candid. Not yet. No need to scare the poor man this early on.
    Showing him where she wanted him for now, she led him back to the fireplace. Once he was seated again, she ran to the kitchen and brought him a mug of hot hibiscus tea, which he accepted with a direct gaze that she now knew meant he found no point in resisting anymore and would let her run her coddling routine with no more objections. If he’d had hair for her to ruffle, she would have ventured to do so.
    She settled for a teasing smile as she sat beside him. “I’ve heard of being damned by faint praise, but you damn by the fervent variety. You included me when you mentioned women of a certain ‘caliber,’ right? And analyzing why Aliyah didn’t become a weapon of mass destruction was your roundabout way of telling me that because I was spoiled rotten, I remain deadly?”
    He raised his mug to her in salutation of her accuracy. “If the roundabout way offends you, my apologies.”
    Her head pitched back on a laugh. His wit, what he let her see of it, tickled her. What would it be like fully unleashed?
    “Apologies will only be accepted if you stop burning calories skirting issues. It’s all I’ll ever ask of you, to be truthful with me. Always. I will never be anything but that with you.”
    It was a long moment before he raised his eyes from the steaming depths of his drink. “If you think you can handle it.”
    “Oh, you have no idea what I can handle.” She gave him a quirked eyebrow. “I hope you can take it as well as dish it out?”
    “What do you think?” Those black lasers he had for eyes told her exactly what to think. “But I attempted a watered-down approach for my own sake. I hear your species subsists on a steady diet of fawning and flattery, and I wasn’t up to saving you again if an injection of the truth sent you into anaphylactic shock.”
    At her hoot of delight, he continued watching her over the rim of his mug, taking more tranquil sips.
    Wiping away tears, she rose to her knees, facing him. “Sir, you misjudge my species. Understandable, since it’s undocumented with me as its only member. The fluke female Aal Shalaan. Of which you know nothing, according to you. I guess all knowledge is on my side. I bet you never noticed I existed before tonight.”
    A bolt of black lightning arced from his eyes.
    Did that mean he had noticed her? When? How hadn’t she noticed, when she’d been analyzing his every nuance, scavenging for any sign of interest or attention?
    She let out a choppy exhalation. “So you noticed me? And still think I was indulged? What on earth did you observe in my family’s treatment of me that could have been mistaken for indulgence? You thought my mother keeping me practically on a leash was that? Or my father making any excuse he could think of to escape giving me five minutes of his time? Or both using me as a pawn in their maneuvers with everyone else or a weapon in their own ongoing war?”
    He frowned. She hadn’t seen him do that when he’d been about to kill her attackers; then, she had only seen that scarily empty expression.
    But now she felt something emanating from him, far deadlier than the rage he’d exuded earlier

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