The Siege of Kadenburg
as her nails bit into the flesh of his upper back. He could feel her trembling beneath him, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before he brought her to her peak.
    “Go ahead, darlin’.” He whispered huskily, biting at her shoulder delicately. He knew that spot like the back of his hand. The memory of their coupling was still very fresh in his mind; the night they became one in the eyes of Urseth. The night he promised to be hers and hers alone, forever and for always.
    As Presley’s breathing became labored and shallow, Lorcan took it upon himself to push her further over the edge. He hooked his fingers beneath the bend of her knee, lifting her leg higher so he could reach her sweet spot from a new angle. He gazed at his beautiful mate in pure awe as she lost herself in ecstasy.
    A few moments later, he found himself experiencing the same level of euphoria. He stilled atop of her, groaning loudly as his orgasm washed over him. He carefully rolled off of her, but quickly collected her trembling body against his chest.
    “I love you,” he murmured, kissing her forehead. “You’re my world, Presley Goult.”
    “I love you more,” Presley promised in a tired voice. “You’re my universe, Lorcan Bamey.”
    S ometimes Dimitri felt like he was babysitting rather than serving as an alpha. Rutley was a lot to handle occasionally, but he was confident he could keep the reigns tight until his new beta learned everything he needed to know.
    Rutley wasn’t just a beta though. They were friends, and lately that friendship had been tested, especially since the she-wolf came into play. Who the hell was she, anyway?
    Dimitri had too many questions and not enough answers. Worries still plagued him and the whole A-Douchebag-Could-Be-Your-Dad thing wasn’t helping. At all.
    Things had been visibly tense between Rutley and himself. Even at the dinner, Mrs. Bamey kept giving them worried glances, though she said nothing. Good. He wasn’t sure he could handle any more Mama Bear concern at the moment. He knew she had good intentions, but this was something he needed to work through on his own.
    He wasn’t even sure if she’d forgiven him for the kissing incident in the bedroom that night. Hell, he wouldn’t even know about it had he not read Rutley’s mind one evening. That had been a shit storm and a half…..
    But still, Dimitri couldn’t be bothered with any of this. Not right now; maybe not ever. There was too much he needed to be focused on. He needed to be prepared for when Breslin returned to Kadenburg. Things were running smoothly for now, but he knew Breslin would be back one day. Everyone needed to be ready for that day to come.
    “Have you seen the snow yet?” Rutley asked eagerly as he popped his head into Dimitri’s room. It had once been Liam’s room, but now it was his. His love’s scent still lingered on the walls, and Dimitri took comfort in that. God, he missed Liam…..
    “Nope,” Dimitri replied as he closed the lid on his laptop and glanced up at him. He pinched at the bridge of his nose, sighing. “I suppose it’s coming a doozy out there, huh?”
    “Doozy is an understatement,” Rutley replied excitedly. “Dude, kids will be lucky if they have school within the next week!”
    “Is it that bad?” Dimitri pushed the computer chair backwards, standing from it before he made his way to the window. He pulled the curtain away to stare outside. All he could see was white. “Holy shit.”
    “Right?” Rutley was by his side suddenly, and Dimitri tensed. He didn’t need to be so close…..
    Dimitri immediately closed the curtain, turning his head to glance at the other wolf. Sometimes Rutley was like a kid. He got excited easily, and he was amused by the simplest things. Liam was like that in a lot of ways, too.
    “Do you think the power will go out?” Rutley asked after a moment. “I found some flashlights beneath the sink and there were a few candles in the

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