The Stargazer
Bianca was too busy making a list in her head to hear what passed between them. A clock on the far wall was striking the time. Only 167 hours left, Bianca reminded herself.
    She turned to her chaperons abruptly, interrupting their discussion. “If I needed to borrow paper, ink, three thousand gold ducats, two gondolas, one set of men’s clothes, and a nimble young boy, where in this huge house would you suggest I begin looking?”

Chapter Six
    The massive dining chamber was lit with only a handful of candles, casting mysterious dancing shadows over its tapestried walls. The remains of a dinner for two lay scattered at the end of the long table. A few paces from the table a fire raged in a marble fireplace, fighting off the chill of the rainy winter evening. Before the fire, a cat finished the remains of a quail next to two lovers entwined in each other’s arms under a fur rug.
    “Tell me again about the girl,” the woman said, pushing the man’s head away from her erect nipple. “What does she look like? How does she seem? Will she make him happy?”
    The man sighed and leaned away from her. “I’ve already told you.” He felt her hand go to his organ, still sticky from being inside her. “She’s plain.” He began to grow hard under the stroking of her fingers. “She’s dull.” Her hand moved up and down the length of his solid member, lingering on the tip. She was teasing him, coaxing him on to the final point. “She will probably bore him to death.” Her lips went down over his shaft, drinking him in. He had repeated the same untruths over and over during dinner and would do so a hundred more times for the same reward. Her gratitude was truly moving.
    Her mouth was sliding up his throbbing organ when the door at the far end of the room opened. She drew away and the young man groaned.
    “Where are you, cara? We must speak about…” It was her brother’s voice.
    “Down here with our little assistant.” She pulled the fur over them and turned onto her stomach. “He has been telling me the most interesting story. The count is betrothed. Betrothed to be married. To a plain slut. I must meet her.”
    “You will find her just as described,” her brother said earnestly. To him, as to most men, all women looked plain next to his sister. “But first we have a problem to discuss. I have just received word that at the last moment those ingrates changed their shipment from gunpowder to grain, and rotten grain at that.” His voice quivered with indignation.
    “That is rather inconvenient. How do you find these things out?” His sister sounded unconcerned.
    He waved her question aside. “Without that gunpowder we are sunk. Everything will be ruined! We must speak about this. Now.” He shifted his pointed gaze to the man beside her.
    She sighed, realizing that her brother would not be easily appeased. Turning to her lover, she kissed him on the ear and then pushed him away. “It is time for you to go on your errand, my angel. Come back when you have something to interest me and I will reward you well. I know how you like to be thanked.”
    “Thank me first, then I will go,” the young man said, brushing his erect shaft against her thigh. She shook her head and gestured him away again. He was a bit too pushy and needed to be taught discipline. She was willing to assuage his needs regularly, but she was not entirely at his disposal. With a petulant pout, he stood and walked over to his pile of clothes in the corner. Momentarily worried she had dampened the young man’s ardor for the task before him by refusing him favors now, she sought for a way to rekindle his enthusiasm.
    “Isn’t he well shaped?” the woman asked her brother in a tone rich with admiration and loud enough to carry.
    “You don’t have to tell me, cara . I found him, remember. I am the one who trained him. I am glad you are pleased.”
    The object of their scrutiny smiled as they talked, his vanity flattered by their compliments. He

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