The Surien Series Blood Guardian

The Surien Series Blood Guardian by Mindy Majors Page A

Book: The Surien Series Blood Guardian by Mindy Majors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mindy Majors
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livelihood, her home and almost her life all in one night, I just found out that the guy I’ve been dreaming about for over three years is actually real, and he’s a vampire let’s not forget that disturbing little fact; oh yeah, and someone is trying to kill me, so pardon me if I’m a little fucking cranky!”
    “Got it all out of your system now do ya?” Kassie said sarcastically.
    “Bite me … and yes.” Kassie always did have a way of calming her down.
    “Okay, so now that “Sybil” is back to normal can we get an explanation on who burned my shop down please?”
    “Sybil?” Jareth questioned.
    “The movie from the 70’s … about a chick with multiple personalities ... played by Sally Field …. never mind.”
    “Anyway,” Sym interrupted, “can you please explain to me why I’ve been dreaming of you for three years when I just met you yesterday?”
    “I was hoping you could tell me that,” Daire answered.
    “Well, we thought it was the necklace she got in Spain; she started having the dreams the same night that she got it,” Kassie said.
    “But I took it off a week ago and the dreams didn’t stop.”
    “Okay, so we still have no answer to that question,” Kassie stated, “but can you tell us why someone is trying to kill my best friend?”
    “We don’t know that either,” Daire said apologetically, “all we know is that he is one of our kind.”
    “Strike two; ya know for vampires you guys don’t know a whole lot,” Kassie groused.
    “We are not actually vampires,” Jareth explained “we are Atlantean gods.”
    “Whoa, really? Gods from Atlantis? As in the lost city of Atlantis?” Kassie asked.
    Symarah could not believe her ears, she had been obsessed with the story of the lost city of Atlantis her entire life and now to find out it was not a myth was like a dream come true.
    “But you have fangs, and I’ve never seen you walk in daylight in any of my dreams,” Symarah said.
    “Poseidon’s curse,” Jareth said.
    “We are cursed to drink blood to survive and we burn and turn to dust if the sun touches our skin. There’s actually no such thing as vampires, that’s just the name they gave our people anytime humans caught us using our powers. They would call us witches or vampires,” Daire explained.
    “So, can you really turn into a bat?” Kassie asked.
    “We can turn into anything we want, so yes I guess we could turn into a bat, but why would anyone want to?” Daire answered.
    “Do crosses and holy water really burn you?”
    “Kass.” Symarah rolled her eyes at Kassie’s ridiculous questions.
    “What, inquiring minds want to know,” Kassie teased.
    “The touch of silver burns our flesh; it’s part of the curse. Back when these rumors started almost all crosses were made out of silver, they just assumed it was the cross. Holy water has no effect on us whatsoever,” Jareth patiently explained.
    “So I have an Atlantean god who wants to kill me and we have no idea why? That’s just great.”
    “We don’t even know who it is,” Jareth said.
    “Wait, if you don’t know who it is how did you know he’s one of your kind?” Symarah asked.
    “We can always tell when another of our kind is near, it’s kind of like a tingling feeling,” Daire explained.
    “Like Spidey senses?” Kassie asked, amused by this new bit of information.
    “Spidey senses?” Daire questioned.
    “You know, Spiderman … a guy who was bitten by a radioactive spider and developed spiderlike powers and became a superhero … played by Tobey Maguire … damn rent a movie sometime will ya.”
    “Well, at least we know his name,” Symarah interrupted.
    “How do you know his name?” Jareth asked.
    I started having nightmares about him killing me a few weeks ago, he told me his name. I guess they weren’t nightmares after all.”
    “Well that should make it easier to track him down and kill him then,” Daire said trying to sound hopeful; “what is his name?”
    “His name is

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