The Surien Series Blood Guardian

The Surien Series Blood Guardian by Mindy Majors Page B

Book: The Surien Series Blood Guardian by Mindy Majors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mindy Majors
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    The look on both Daire and Jareth’s face was unmistakable.
    This was beyond bad. Of all the names they could have thrown out there Vaiden’s was by far the worst. He had been trying to get revenge against Daire for centuries and his last attempt had almost cost Daire his life.
    “Do you know him?” Symarah asked, seeing the concerned looks that Daire and Jareth were exchanging.
    “Vaiden has been a thorn in my side for quite some time, he shows up once every twenty years or so with a new plan to kill me. He is ruthless and he doesn’t care who he hurts,” Daire answered. What Daire wasn’t telling them was that Vaiden was one of the most brutal killers he had ever met. He would stop at nothing to exact his revenge on Daire and he took great pleasure in causing people as much pain as possible and taking innocent lives in the process. If the suriens had a most wanted list, he would be at the very top. They had been searching for him for several decades but no one could find him, not even Athena herself.
    “Is it that bad?” Kassie asked.
    “Well, it’s never a good thing when someone is trying to kill you,” Daire answered vaguely, not wanting to frighten the girls any more than they already were.
    “We cannot allow Vaiden another opportunity to take a human life,” Jareth said to Daire.
    “Then the girls will have to stay with us under our protection where it’s safe until we can find him and eliminate the threat.”
    “Like hell we will, I’m not letting some crusty old Atlantean god with a grudge disrupt my life,” Symarah argued, “I’m staying here and Kassie will stay with me until her shop is rebuilt.”
    “You’re both staying with Jareth and I, and that’s final,” Daire put his foot down.
    “Oh lord, here we go,” Kassie sighed.
    “Excuse me? The last time I checked this was still a free country with equal rights. I don’t know how things worked back in Atlantis but here in 21 st century America women are allowed to have their own opinions and we’re even allowed to make our own decisions and everything so don’t tell me what’s final, we’re staying here, that’s what’s final,” Symarah ranted.
    Why did she have to be so damn stubborn? It was both adorable and irritating at the same time, reminded him of Meissen.
    “Symarah please, Vaiden is a very dangerous man,” Daire pleaded, “he will kill you.”
    “I will not run and hide, I refuse to live my life that way,” Symarah stood her ground.
    “Look, you said this Vaiden is one of your kind right?” Kassie asked.
    “Yes, he is an Atlantean god like us,” Jareth answered, “not as old as we are, but just as powerful.”
    “And is he under the same curse as you?”
    “Yes, all Atlantean gods suffer the same curse; those who were not alive when the curse was cast are born with it.”
    “Well, then he can’t go out in the daylight either so we can go about our business during the day and you guys can hang out and protect us at night; there, problem solved,” Kassie said.
    Jareth and Daire exchanged worried looks but agreed that this did seem to be an acceptable solution to the problem.
    “Fine, we will arrive just before nightfall and leave just before dawn,” Jareth agreed.
    “I don’t like it; that still leaves a small window of opportunity for Vaiden to strike,” Daire argued.
    “Why don’t you two just stay here, there’s plenty of room,” Kassie suggested.
    Symarah reluctantly agreed to let them stay there, as she glared at her friend. She wasn’t too happy with Daire’s bossy attitude and the last thing she wanted to do was to share her home with someone who thought he had the right to tell her what to do.
    “Okay, well now that we’ve resolved all our issues, I say we have another movie night since our last one was so rudely interrupted,” Kassie suggested.
    Symarah was always amazed by Kassie’s ability to handle anything in stride. I mean here she was with no home, no business or

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