The Sweetest Love (Love Conquers All Book 5)
you have plans in the morning.”
    “Noooo, you can’t go,” she playfully whined. “I’m just starting to like you again.”
    Adam threw his head back and laughed. “Just starting to like me again?” The teasing in his voice turned her face a shade of crimson.
    Did she just confess to him she’d at one time liked him? See, this is what she got for getting all cozy in the comfort of his arms. Embarrassed, she buried her face in his chest. “I plead the fifth, counselor.”
    No way was she about to admit she had the hugest crush on him the first time she met him. Easing her way out of the hot seat, she gently untangled herself and stood to her feet. Pointing to the door, her lips twitched in a grin. “Weren’t you leaving?”
    Standing, Adam’s arms snaked around Roxy’s waist. “Not until I do this,” he said, his voice a deep, sensual murmur.
    Roxy’s heart hammered in her chest. A tiny tingle of electricity shot from the crown of her head to her soles of her feet when their lips touched. Standing on her tippy-toes, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into his solid, muscular frame.
    Adam felt her nipples pucker against his chest. Letting out a deep groan, he deepened the kiss, giving her as much as she was willing to take.
    The things he did with his tongue as it dipped, swirled, licked and nibbled on and around her mouth had her drowning in a sea called Adam. She couldn’t help the wanton moans escaping from deep within the pit of her belly when he bit down on her bottom lip, and then sweetly suckled the tender flesh, melting the sting away.
    Breaking the kiss to come up for air, Adam rested his forehead against Roxy’s. “Now I’m ready to leave.”
    “Mmm… not yet,” she purred before returning the favor of another long, titillating kiss.

Chapter 11
    Three days earlier
    Jenkintown Starbucks
    “Mmm, mmm, mmm! Girl, you still look good!”
    Reba rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. The man sitting across from her at one time had been her everything. She would even go so far as to admit he was the air she breathed. If he told her the sky was purple she would have believed him and dared anyone to say it was actually blue.
    What did she know? She was barely eighteen and just out of high school when she met the handsome groundskeeper of the apartment complex she lived in with her father and stepmother.
    Their meeting started off innocently enough. She’d always give him a hurried hello as she rushed past him to the bus stop. One particular morning she was running extremely late for an early morning English class at Community College. She’d been grateful when he offered to give her a ride so she wouldn’t miss her mid-term exam. And as they say, the rest is history.
    After all these years the sting of his betrayal still cut deep. Not so much the grown- up Reba, but the young girl who had fallen so hard for him. So many times she wanted to curse the day she accepted that ride. But then a tiny part of her saw it as a blessing because the one good thing he had ever done in his miserable life was to give her Roxanna.
    The sucker had a nerve to still be handsome. The gray hair at his temples gave him that distinguished gentleman look.
    He must have come into some good fortune because he wasn’t shabby looking and he had pulled up in a decent car. It didn’t matter how good he looked or the car he drove. Whatever he was selling, she wasn’t buying.
    “Thank you, but I didn’t come out here for you to tell me how good I look, Harold,” she all but snarled. He was up to something and she knew it.
    “Damn baby, you don’t have to be so cold,” Harold drawled, a grin curving his lips. Chuckling, he added, “I remember a time when you were the sweetest little thing.”
    Irritated, Reba threw her handbag over her shoulder. She wasn’t about to sit here while he played his games. “Listen, I don’t have time for this.” She pushed her chair back and stood to go.
    Harold reached out and

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