The Sweetest Love (Love Conquers All Book 5)
drawled sarcastically.
    Smiling at him ever so sweetly, she kindly demanded, “Adam, shut up and get me home. I done told you my feet hurt!”
    After she’d given him her address she melted into the soft leather upholstery, closed her eyes and wiggled her aching toes.
    Just as soon as she began wiggling her toes, they instantly curled from the deep, sexy chuckle coming from Adam.
    “Damn girl, you sure have changed,” he said with a note of admiration in his voice.
    Roxy turned on her left hip to face him, staring at him in open curiosity. What did he mean she’s changed? “How so?”
    Shrugging a broad shoulder, brushing off her tone, he told her exactly what he thought. “Look at you. You’re nothing like you were as a kid.”
    She didn’t respond. Instead she raised an arched brow at him. Did he think she was still that little shy, timid mouse of a girl? The one he used to treat like an annoying piece of toilet tissue stuck to the bottom of his shoe?
    Easing to a stop at a red light, he looked over at Roxy. He knew exactly where her thoughts were. “Oh come on, Roxy don’t look at me like that.”
    Roxy crossed her arms over her chest. “Like what? Like you weren’t the absolute meanest jerk to me when I was a little girl? Or like you went out of your way to make it known that I wasn’t welcomed in your parents’ home? Or how you sent me running out into the night crying and hiding under a bush? Take your pick, Adam.”
    Wincing at the truth of her words, Adam dropped his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. This conversation was going to happen sooner or later. If he wanted to explore the idea of getting to know Roxy they had to do this. Pulling off from the light, he suggested, “Maybe we can talk when we get to your place.”
    Man, she really has changed. How in the world did what he’d meant as a compliment tick her off?
    “Fine,” she snipped, settling back into the soft leather, not feeling bad one bit for putting him on blast. She had wanted to get this off of her chest for years. She didn’t deserve to be his punching bag because he was mad at the world. I thought you were all over that, the tiny voice inside her taunted.
    So what! I have a right to change my mind! She screamed back at her pesky conscience. It was so much easier to be forgiving while all cozy in his arms.

Chapter 10
    “Sorry about the lumpy futon. Me and my mom may get around to shopping for a new one tomorrow afternoon,” she apologized as she kicked her shoes off. Walking to the fridge, she took out a Brita pitcher. “Would you like a glass of water?”
    “Sure and don’t worry about the lumps.” Adam teased trying to get back the mood from earlier. When she didn’t respond, he shrugged his broad shoulders and looked around the clean, but sparsely decorated studio apartment.
    A sad smile curved his lips at the picture on the milk crate end table of Roxy and Abby with their arms thrown around each other’s shoulders, cheesing hard at the camera. The lump rising up in his throat threatened to cut off his oxygen supply. The yellow tinge in Abby’s skin and the white of her eyes had been a source of her being teased by other children. But the face smiling back at him didn’t care about the other children, she was as happy as ever with her best friend.
    Bringing the glasses of water over, Roxy’s eyes followed Adam’s gazing at the picture. The sadness in his eyes tore at her heart. Handing the glass to Adam, she sat next to him. She felt foolish for getting all snippy earlier. He had gone out of his way to bring her home and she nearly bit his head off over something that happened years ago. Something she told herself she was over. She wanted to hug him and apologize for acting like an unforgiving brat. Instead she took a sip of her water and waited for him to begin talking.
    The small space felt really cramped to Adam. She had every right to still be angry with him. Turning the glass up to his lips, he drained the

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