The Sword and the Sylph (Elemental Series)

The Sword and the Sylph (Elemental Series) by Elizabeth Rose Page B

Book: The Sword and the Sylph (Elemental Series) by Elizabeth Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Rose
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Portia sent Vance to collect the healer from Manterra. She’d almost given up hope that he’d ever return, when she heard a knock at the solar door. She’d stayed by her father’s side constantly, only leaving to replenish her strength from time to time out in the fresh air.
    “Enter,” she called, her heart dropping to see ’twas only a servant come to bring her a meal.
    “Would the earl be requiring a meal as well?” asked the servant boy, placing the tray down on a nearby table.
    “Nay, he has yet to regain c onsciousness,” she said and quickly dismissed him. Before the door could close, the countess entered, two guards right behind her.
    “Has he awakened yet?” she asked, coming close to the bed to survey him.
    Portia looked down to her father’s sleeping form and shook her head. “Nay, he has not.”
    “So your healing kiss did not work, did it? I think he fared better in the underground chamber. There he was free from bothersome people and secure as well. I would have him removed anon.”
    “Nay!” She shot up from the edge of the bed and put out her arms in a protective manner. “You would not touch my father again.”
    By the fire in the woman’s eyes, Portia knew she was in over her head. Though she was the earl’s daughter, she still owed respect to her stepmother and the woman’s word held more weight than her own. But thankfully before the countess could utter a word, the door burst open and in walked an old woman with long grey hair followed by the stablemaster. The guards drew their swords and she stopped abruptly and looked at them as if she couldn’t believe they were trying to block her path.
    “Who are you?” the countess demanded to know. “And why do you enter without knocking? I should have you punished for that.”
    “I am Juturna, a seer and healer. I have traveled all night to make it here quickly from Manterra. I have come to heal the earl.”
    “Manterra? We have our own healer, besides no one called for you, old woman. Now be on your way.”
    “I called for her,” said Portia making her way toward the seer. “And guards, put away your weapons, she means no harm, but to heal my father only.”
    The guards looked to the countess before they did as directed, and only by her slight nod of her head did they sheathe their swords.
    This bothered Portia immensely, as they had always heeded her commands when her mother was alive. But things changed since her father remarried. And Portia did not like what was happening inside the walls of Calila.
    “I am Portia-Maer,” she said, directing the woman toward the bed. “I sent the message to the new duchess, Lady Rae at Manterra.”
    “Unf ortunately, the duchess is visiting Thorndale and the duke is in route to see the king, so neither of them were present. But I heard the stablemaster’s story and came anon, my lady. I must also say, I am happy to finally meet you.”
    “Enough of this nonsense,” said the countess. “You cannot stay after all. I would send my own healer in your place.”
    “Lady Portia has requested my services and I would not leave before I fulfill her wish,” said Juturna, no fear in her voice though she spoke brashly to a woman who held so much power. “And if you’d like, I could look into my crystal orb and tell you your future, Countess. I can also see into the past, and would look into yours as soon as I am done applying herbs to your wounded husband.”
    “No need,” she said, picking up her sk irts and heading across the room. “I would not participate in the works of the devil.” She headed out the door and her guards followed.
    “Would there be anything else, my lady?” asked the stablemaster whom she had almost forgotten was still there.
    “Nay, Vance, you have done well. Thank you and you may leave now.”
    He bowed and left the room quickly, closing the door behind him.
    Juturna busied herself opening her bags of herbs and preparing to heal the earl.
    “I cannot believe how

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