The Sword and the Sylph (Elemental Series)

The Sword and the Sylph (Elemental Series) by Elizabeth Rose Page A

Book: The Sword and the Sylph (Elemental Series) by Elizabeth Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Rose
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storm put an end to the battle, and probably saved the lives of many from both sides because of it.”
    “The cyclone must have claimed many lives,” said Braden. “No man nor animal could survive a drop from that height.”
    “Not so,” came a voice of a knight just entering the great hall. He looked bedraggled and dirty and a dozen men followed him, but none of them were wounded in the least. “We lived through that whirlwind. It was unbelievable as it seemed to just set us down gently. I’ve never seen the likes of it before.”
    “Were you able to get inside the castle walls and create a distraction?” asked Lord Solomon to Braden.
    “I was able to get inside, but I am sad to say I failed you at creating a big enough distraction to keep their men from noticing our troops.”
    “That’s a shame,” answered Lord Solomon.
    “I am sorry to say I’ve failed you, my lord.” Braden shook his head. “But my identity was discovered right after I followed the spy inside the castle walls.”
    “So y ou found the spy?” he asked, nodding his head in approval. “So who is it? Tell me so I know which of my men to hang at the crossroads.”
    “’Tis not one of your men,” stated Sir Braden. “Matter of fact it is not a man at all, but a woman.”
    “A woman?” he asked. “Who?”
    Braden suddenly felt like he’d made a mistake by revealing this information to Lord Solomon. As angry as he was with Portia-Maer, she did manage to save the lives of many men from both sides of the battle with her little trick of the weather.
    “She is naught but a commoner from the village,” he lied. “But I think she was being helped as someone else knew of my identity as well.”
    “Who?” he asked.
    “The stablemaster,” he relayed. “I believe the man’s name was Vance.”
    Lady Christabel gasped at this announcement, looking up from her ministrations with fear in her eyes.
    “That was the name of our stablemaster that you banned from the grounds,” Sir Samuel relayed to the lord of the castle.
    “That’s correct,” said Lord Solomon, stroking his chin. “I thought there was something ill-mannered about that man. I caught him on more than one occasion in the corridor near the bedchambers late at night. I have a feeling he was after my daughter. I was going to have him hanged, but Christabel convinced me to just ban him from my lands instead. Now I see I was right all along. Sir Braden, figure out a way to capture this man and bring him back to Banesmoor.”
    “Of course, my lord.”
    “No spy shall be set free under my rule. Instead, he would be executed like I should have done the first time.”
    “Father, nay !” said Lady Christabel, rushing to his side.
    “You would not talk me out of it again, daughter.” Then he looked to Sir Braden. “I am happy with your service, and you may have my daughter’s hand in marriage after all, Sir Braden.”
    “I accept,” he answered, bowing his head.
    “Good, then I would have the priest post the wedding banns anon. And in the meantime, I want you at Lady Christabel’s side at all times. She is not safe as long as this spy lives. But under the protection of your sword, I have naught to fear.”
    “If you’ll excuse me, Father.” Lady Christabel didn’t wait for his dismissal, but rather hurried away out of the great hall.
    “S ir Braden, join me and my men for a drink at the fireside. I think you are going to make a fine husband to my daughter after all.”
    Braden joined Lord Solomon and his men, knowing his acceptance into Banesmoor was very important. And now he’d been given the prize envied by all. The Lady Christabel’s hand in marriage as well as gaining the title of lord, wealth and land. So why, he wondered did he feel miserable and more like a traitor than he had before? And why the hell couldn’t he stop thinking about the fae girl who’d just betrayed him and almost cost him his life?

Chapter 8
    It had been close to two days since

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