The Tower of the Forgotten

The Tower of the Forgotten by Sara M. Harvey Page B

Book: The Tower of the Forgotten by Sara M. Harvey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara M. Harvey
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upon its soul, and there were so many sigils etched into it. But one,
one caught my eye because it was unique, it wasn’t the Nephilim magic I knew.
It was different. And if I were to draw the crest of Alaric Regalii like a
constellation, it would look exactly like that."
    "Alaric’s a member of the
Primacy, you know. And I bet he was one then, as well."
    " Are
you certain? "
    " No.
But I ’ d be willing to put a
wager on it and be sure I ’ d win. "
    " Do
you think he is working alone, or does the entire Primacy want me dead? "
    " I think you were a
convenient pawn, just like I have been." Portia’s golden gaze flickered
westward, toward the town at the coast and the gleaming tower rising out of the
    " Not
just Nigel. Something tells me that this goes deeper and back farther than
either of us can imagine. "
    " What
do we do, Portia? "
    " We
have nothing but half-truths and speculation to work with. But there is still
an enemy we know, and that is Nigel in that damned tower. He is going to
complete Belial ’ s plan to tear a hole
between our world and theirs. "
    Imogen nodded. "And Radinka. We have to
get her back to Penemue where she will be safe. Emile and Cadmus are the only
ones we can trust. I wonder how many more he’s taken and where they are? Why
didn’t Emile stop him?"
    " Perhaps
he couldn’t. The Primacy is used to getting what they want. They are used to
ruling us like a monarchy would. They speak; we bow, then obey." Portia sighed. "I
wish I could get a message to the Captain. He’s been so worried."
    "He has faith in you, Portia.
And who wouldn’t? You’re the greatest Gyony in a generation, if not ever."
    " Don ’ t forget that you ’ re Gyony, too, beloved. You went through the
training, same as me. And even if they fudged your trials to make sure we ’ d end up together, you have never brought
dishonor to the family. "
    Imogen laid her head on Portia’s shoulder .
"I will be strong so long as you’re with me."
kissed the top of her head . "You’re strong all on your own. How many times
have you died, now? Even I can’t claim that. I think you must have nine lives."
    "I suppose I am down to seven
now, though."
    They laughed and it felt good. Portia could
imagine that they were back in Penemue, safe in their room with nothing to fear
except being caught up chatting after curfew.
you think we ought to try and sleep?" Imogen said, aloud.
nodded and wrapped her arms and her wings around her, burying her face in
Imogen’s hair. She could not fight back the
tears that spilled over her lids and trickled down her beloved’s neck.
know you don’t need to hear this
because you know what you mean to me. But I want to tell you just the same. I
love you, Imogen. With my entire soul, the one that’s mine and the one that isn’t.
I will never be without you. If I have to go to the underworld again to get you
back, so help me, I will. And if I can’t, then I will join you
there, do you understand? Nothing will keep me from you. Nothing."
all the trouble you’ve caused me, I still
think I am the luckiest girl in the world," Imogen said, lifting
her chin for a kiss while her body trembled with delight. "Thank you, Portia. For everything. The pain and terror of
death is nothing compared with the strength of love. And I don’t fancy ever leaving your side again." She looked wistful a moment. "There
are nicer places there in the land of the dead, besides Salus and the
shadow-side. I have seen them. I think I might know how to get back there. If
we ever need that knowledge, which I hope we won’t."
say all knowledge is worth having. Just don’t forget it, my love. I’ll be relying on you to lead us there."
changed into the fresh nightclothes. Portia had no intention of sleeping, but
the soft linen felt so much better on her skin than the soiled and tattered
satin gown.
side by side in the wide bed seemed a dream. In all their years

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