The Trials Of Ashbarn ( Book 5)

The Trials Of Ashbarn ( Book 5) by Jeff Gunzel Page A

Book: The Trials Of Ashbarn ( Book 5) by Jeff Gunzel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeff Gunzel
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indeed speak for the people,” said Filista, her permanent smirk appearing quite genuine all of a sudden.
    Graten and Coompall each thru st their seats back, holding up their hands innocently. “High Priestess, we knew nothing of this,” stuttered Coompall. “We–We take our leave.” They scurried from the room.
    “Your hunger for power is so great you would commit treason?” Shantis thundered to Filista.
    “Protecting the lives of my people is not treason,” said Filista calmly. “I will not allow you to lead them to certain death all because a mere human deceived our leader. Please come quietly...old friend. I know you don’t see it now, but this is best for everyone. In your stead, I will see to the people and tend to their needs—a thing I find of great importance. An issue you seem to have forgotten.”
    Shantis unclenched her fists , then pointed across the men with a sweeping finger. “Stand down now! I can see you have been tricked, and I will take that into consideration when deciding your punishment. I am your High Priestess, the only true authority in this room. I say once more: stand down.”
    “We –We no longer answer to you,” said one of the cryton soldiers. He shook his spear in Shantis’s direction, glancing periodically at Filista. “C-Come with us now. We don’t want to have to hurt you.” The other four visibly tightened their grips on their spears, but didn’t advance, each waiting for the others to take initiative.
    Shan tis slowly shook her head and sighed. A deep sadness showed in her eyes. “Then it seems I have no choice,” she whispered. “For what it’s worth, I forgive each of you, and may the gods do the same.” She bowed low to the ground then stood up straight. Their eyes went wide with horror. “Die with honor.”
    Smooth and quick, she blazed across the room and was on the first soldier before he could blink. Grasping his spear just below the tip, Shantis brought down her forearm, shattering the weapon in a spray of splinters. Keeping her momentum, she spun about, driving a vicious elbow into the soldier’s throat. Windpipe instantly destroyed, the man released a wet, gurgling gasp as he hit the wall, then crumpled to the ground.
    In one clean m otion, she reversed her spin, driving the splintered spear tip into the next soldier’s eye. Dead instantly, he collapsed down next to his gasping comrade. With a kick, she flipped the table towards the other three, forcing them to scatter before it crashed against the wall. Shantis dropped down low, palms flat and one knee to the floor, showing her teeth.
    “Don’t just stand there, take her down,” barked Filista, moving near the doorway. It was unclear if she was blocking any escape attempt, or simply trying to get out of harm’s way.
    Shantis rose back to her feet. “You heard the coward hiding in the doorway. Come, take me down. Forfeit your lives in the name of her cause.”
    Blinding pain emanated through the back of her head, driving her back down to her knees. A second blast sent her skidding across the floor. The room spun and her vision blurred in and out. The warrior rolled to her back and looked up into the eyes of her champion. Weakly, she reached up to him with a trembling hand, only to have it kicked to the side. “Why, Brinkton?” she mumbled softly. “I trusted you.”
    For a heartbeat, his stern face saddened. His hard eyes softened with sympathy, looking down at his leader, his friend. An instant later, the flash of compassion disappeared like smoke. His permanent scowl deepened into a hateful glare. He drove his fist down into her face once, twice... Her head bounced off the floor with each solid hit. Clinging to consciousness, she rolled to her stomach and tried to crawl. The futile attempt was stopped easily when he dropped a knee into her back, all his weight pinning her down. He gripped her hair, pulling her head back sharply.
    Filista marched over to the helpless warrior. Her arms hung

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