The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal

The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal by Margaret Mayo Page B

Book: The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal by Margaret Mayo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Mayo
Tags: Fiction
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    And tonight, in his bed, she would hopefully do him proud. It had been agony keeping his hands off her these last few weeks. It had stretched his limits. On more than one occasion he had felt that he would crack, that he wouldn’t be able to keep his promise.
    But finally the day was here when he could claim her body, when he could release the demons that had been driving him crazy. He had no intention of forcing himself on her. He was prepared to be patient, take things slowly, confident that Elena would melt in his arms before the night was out.
    He recalled the way she had responded to his kisses that day in the car, and his whole body ignited at the thought of her in his bed tonight. There was to be no honeymoon, he had told everyone they were postponing it because of business commitments. Instead they were spending their first night here in the hotel honeymoon suite, and then moving tomorrow to his house on the outskirts of the city.
    By the time their last guests had gone Elena had worked herself up into such a state that Vidal was worried. ‘Are you not feeling well? You look very pale. Has it all been too much for you?’
    ‘What do you think?’ Elena asked fiercely, feeling no need now to put on a front. ‘I can’t believe I’ve been foolish enough to let myself get sucked into such a charade.’ Or was it the fact that tonight she would be sharing Vidal’s bed? Was this what was shredding her nerves?
    She was pleased that she had helped her parents out, that went without saying, but at what cost? Until this moment she hadn’t properly realised the enormity of what she was doing. Marrying Vidal she could face. But sleeping with him? Pretending to the whole world that theirs was a normal marriage was way too much.
    By the time they eventually took the lift up to their suite Elena had made up her mind that she was not going to let him make love to her. No way! Not under any circumstances! It was too big an ask. He’d have to make do with her sharing his home, but not his bed.
    Until the bedroom door closed behind them!

Chapter Five
    E VERY promise Elena had made to herself was forgotten. She was aware of nothing except Vidal’s hard, virile body against hers. The feel of him, the shape of him, the way his thighs touched hers sending tremors all the way down to her toes. The way his hips ground into her, the beat of his heart against her breasts. It was a solid thud compared to her own frantic rush of emotion.
    Then there was the scent of him, the faint lingering odour of the cologne he’d splashed on earlier in the day, the clean smell of his breath, the drugging male scent of his arousal.
    She pulled herself up short at that thought. Vidal was all male, that was for sure. And he had an indefinable something that made her aware of his hunger for her.
    Elena’s fingers sought and found the solid strength in his shoulders as his head bowed down to hers. He had already flung off his jacket and the fine cotton of his shirt hid none of the power packed into those muscles. She felt them flex as his arms tightened around her, as he imprisoned her in a circle from which there was no escape. And at this moment she did not want to be free. Every thought of denying herself the pleasure had gone.
    One touch was all it had taken to make her insanely aware of Vidal and all he could give her. From the moment they had been pronounced man and wife he had hardly left her side. They had laughed together and pretended together. Both sets of parents had stood proudly and watched and no one, but no one, had guessed that it wasn’t a love match.
    So did the throbbing of her heart tell her that she was already beginning to feel something more for Vidal? Or was it simply a case of raw sexual hunger? Something she had felt when they first met to discuss this bizarre situation. An instant flare of desire. It was alien and yet at the same time it felt so right. Even her body told her that it craved fulfilment.
    With the

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