The Twins

The Twins by Gary Alan Wassner Page B

Book: The Twins by Gary Alan Wassner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gary Alan Wassner
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Epic
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turned. It was just what I expected and hoped for. Next time, do not be so predictable.”
    Cameron pushed her to one side frowning, then stood and brushed the dirt off of his clothing, concealing his reddened face from view.
    “Everything is predictable to you, my Lady. I don’t think that I could ever surprise you with my attack,” he responded rather sheepishly, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.
    “Well, nevertheless Cameron, try and be more creative, and never expose your sword arm to the enemy. It will eventually spell your downfall no matter how inept the opponent might be,” she replied in a motherly tone. “If you always come upon your enemy square, you present to him your broadest surface. It is not unmanly to be discreet.”
    She hoped that she had not admonished Cameron too sternly with her harsh response. He was, after all, the best swordsman in the kingdom, next to herself of course. Her fondness for him was immeasurable, and if she could embarrass him into being just a tiny bit more careful or more aware of the subtleties of battle, it might just save his life one day. He was too good a man to die unnecessarily because she failed to properly reproach him in fear of insulting his masculinity.
    Filaree smoothed out her green, suede tunic, straightened the silk belt which held it in place, and began walking back to the horses lolling nearby. As she approached her silver grey mare Nico, she nickered affectionately and knelt on her front two legs to allow her to climb on easily. She required no saddle or bridle when she rode upon her back. She gladly carried her wherever she wished to go and responded to her needs as if she could read her thoughts.
    “Come, Cameron. Ride with me back to the castle. The sun will soon set and I am ravished with hunger. Tonight the moon will be full and the lake sprites may be out and about. You know how they love to find a handsome, young man alone after dark,” she teased. “Or perhaps you would like to be seduced by the ladies of the lake, for all I know,” she said, smiling into her sleeve.
    Cameron grimaced and hastily called to his mount so that he could accompany his Lady back and not be left here alone. There was little he feared in life, but the lake sprites made his blood run cold. He knew that Filaree did not share his concern, but, then again, what did really frighten her? He had yet to see her waver in the face of any obstacle. Neither did she ever express anything but sheer confidence whenever she was presented with what would have been insurmountable to most other warriors. Cameron shook his head back and forth. This Lady never ceased to amaze him.
    Filaree Par D’Avalain was surely a warrior, in every sense of the word. Perhaps the finest at single combat in the kingdom, Filaree was never beaten. Her prowess with the broadsword and the staff was well renowned. Few had been privileged to witness her ability on horseback with a lance or crossbow. Nevertheless, it was extraordinary. Her opponents never walked away unscathed unless she chose to let them. If the enemy were real, they rarely walked away at all.
    Cameron served his Lady for the past two tiels by now, and his respect for her as a leader and teacher, as well as his awe with regard to her continually astounding success against great odds, increased and compounded itself. He knew that he would do anything for her, including laying down his own life if need be. Such was his feeling for the Lady Filaree, and such feeling was mirrored a thousand times over by the men and women who served her.
    As soon as he was mounted, Filaree clicked Nico onward and the two leapt forth at lightning speed in the direction of the castle. Cameron did all that he could to keep up with her and not be left in her dust once again. The sun would soon be setting, and it got rather cold and windy in the kingdom of Altair this time of year due to its proximity to the ice lakes. They were directly in the path of the

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