The Vampire...In My Dreams

The Vampire...In My Dreams by Terry Spear

Book: The Vampire...In My Dreams by Terry Spear Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Spear
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saw a new world, time past, alien, fleeting glimpses—totally weird.
    Through Dominic’s eyes, I saw visions of the past and like an outsider looking in, I watched history reveal itself—at least a fraction of Dominic’s history.
    A slightly older version of Dominic, his hair as dark but spiked, his eyes more hazel, his lips thinned in a scowl. “How many times do I have to tell you, Dominic? Don’t mess with witches!”
    “Hey, James, she smiled at me. She’s interested.”
    He was wrong. I knew he was wrong.
    James shook his head. “She was smiling at a warlock eating a burger across the restaurant. Not at you.”
    Yes, listen to James. He’s right.
    Dominic slapped his brother on the shoulder. “Says you. Just watch this.”
    Every nerve taut, I could see where this was leading, but I was unable to stop the forward motion.
    The three witches sat at a yellow table. The redhead, Carissa Merriweather, swirled a French fry in a blob of ketchup, the brunette, Linnie Armstrong, licked the mustard off a hamburger, coating her tongue yellow, and the blonde, Little Miss Perfect Debbie Damint—the one that had stolen Dominic’s interest—flipped her hair back, then took a bite of a chicken sandwich.
    I have to back away. None of these girls will put up with an annoying human boy. But I was moving like a train without brakes into the path of an unyielding girl—with unknown powers—and I was sure I would dearly suffer the consequences.
    “Hey,” Dominic said to Debbie. Her blue eyes sparkled in the fluorescent lights and he thought she was the most beautiful girl he’d seen in a long time. Especially when she smiled at him.
    But as soon as he opened his mouth to speak further, the witch stood, her face turning hard. “What do you want?” Her words and eyes were icy.
    I’d never seen her react so vehemently, but then again, she put the charms on warlocks and not humans. Immediately, I wanted to move out of her way before she did anything nasty. I wanted to, but I was frozen to the tile floor.
    Dominic should have taken the cue. He should have listened to his brother, but he was certain she had smiled at him, not at some warlock. “Would you like to go to a movie with me later tonight?”
    “Get lost,” she snarled.
    Yes, get lost. Good advice. And if I could, I’d heed it.
    Dominic wasn’t buying it. As far as he was concerned the witch didn’t mean it. The other girls laughed and he knew it was because of them that she’d changed her attitude.
    He was wrong. If I didn’t back off, something bad was going to happen.
    “Turn him into a toad,” Carissa said, her green eyes narrowed.
    “Yeah, a warty, slimy thing,” Linnie, the parrot of the three, agreed, nodding her head, then taking another sip of her soda.
    I hoped and prayed the witches weren’t any good at spells. Debbie wasn’t in any of my classes except P.E., though I’d heard she was a whiz at potions. I had no idea about the other girls and their spell-casting abilities.
    Dominic smiled. The blue-eyed blonde would not do such a dastardly thing.
    I knew better. The look in Debbie’s chilly eyes, the way her lips began to move silently. I tried to counteract the spell, but I didn’t succeed. The spell worked its way through every molecule of my body, the shrinking and changing of cells. My heart rate changed from beating like a scared rabbit’s to something much smaller.
    In a heartbeat, Dominic found himself looking up from the floor, his voice croaking, his skin covered in olive drab bumps and definitely slimy. The witches laughed.
    “Oh, God,” I squeaked out. Everyone had turned into giants, towering over me, staring at me. The girls wore hideous grins, their eyes black with humor, while James looked like he was ready to be sick. I felt incredibly flat, as my round, fat body hugged the floor. Worse, a fly flitting about caught my attention and I had the worst urge to zap him with my tongue. Ewww.
    James pleaded with Debbie.

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