The Vampire's Curse, A Paranormal Romance (Undead in Brown County #2)

The Vampire's Curse, A Paranormal Romance (Undead in Brown County #2) by S.J. Wright

Book: The Vampire's Curse, A Paranormal Romance (Undead in Brown County #2) by S.J. Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.J. Wright
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out of her ass, takes the kids, and leaves your sorry ass, where do you think you’ll be? Alone in a bare apartment with nobody to talk to except the anonymous bitches you hit up on the internet.”
    “ You stupid little country fuck…” He countered.
    “ Brilliant comeback, Rob.” I giggled. Yes, he was a genius .
    “ We’re leaving now.” Kara announced, dragging me to the front door. I wanted to stay and finish my Hurricane. I wanted to kick Rob in the balls and smack Trevor. However, when the chilly night air struck me, I wobbled weakly and leaned against the brick wall near the door. It was so cold out there. In addition, my stupid legs were not working right.
    “ Are you going to throw up?”
    I shook my head, which made me giggle, because everything looked strange when I moved like that. I heard Kara sigh in frustration and then the jingle of her keys, “Look, I’m parked three blocks down by the shop. Do not go anywhere.” She held my chin in her hand for a second, “Sarah? You heard me, right? Don’t go back in the bar. I’ll be right back to pick you up.”
    “ Oh, sure.”
    When I heard her heels clicking away into the distance, I looked around and noticed things seemed unusually quiet. I staggered across the sidewalk towards the curb and belched. That was when the door opened behind me, and the silence in the street was destroyed by the laughter, music, and pandemonium that echoed from the bar.
    “ I think we need to talk.”
    Great, I thought. Trevor again. Another belch tried to make its way up from my stomach.
    “ You shouldn’t be talking to me at all.” I said, trying to sound serious.
    Things changed. Trevor’s face, the energy around me, the air itself. He reached out and grabbed me around the waist, yanking me away from the front of the bar and into the alley that ran back towards the parking lot. I fought him. I scratched, kicked, and even ripped the pocket on his designer-label shirt when I tried to twist away from him.
    “ Let me go, you asshole!”
    He shoved me up against a brick wall and pressed his forearm against my throat. I felt like I was going to be sick. His eyes were chilling, swirling with rage, and fear rushed over me in a black cloud. He was serious. And he wanted to hurt me.

    Chapter 7
    “ I’m getting so sick of you, you cocky little bitch.” He growled, slamming a knee into my left side. I dropped like a rock, gasping and sputtering with pain. It was suddenly hard to draw a breath, and each one blazed through me like a torch. I curled up onto my side on the dirty pavement and desperately tried to keep from screaming.
    Trevor kneeled down and grasped a handful of my hair, “I’m not taking any more of your shit, Sarah. Are we clear on that?”
    I blinked. During the little instant while my eyelids were closed, something else had happened. When I opened my eyes, I saw that a hand gripped Trevor’s arm, and Alex’s familiar form stood poised beside my attacker. His eyes were blazing with rage.
    “ You need to let go of her hair right now.” His voice was hard and cold, but a challenging little smile was on his face.
    Trevor turned his head to look at Alex, “Mind your own business, dick.”
    Then I saw Alex’s other hand curl around Trevor’s wrist and squeeze. Trevor’s brown eyes went wide with shock and pain, and he let go of my hair. However, Alex did not let go. I saw his features brighten with a bizarre and menacing expression. Then I heard a loud crack, and Trevor roared in anguish, staring down at his arm in abject horror.
    Below his elbow, the arm had been broken in half. His hand dangled, lifeless and useless. Above, a sharp rod of white bone had jabbed through the skin. Blood dripped slowly onto the pavement in the alley as Trevor’s screaming escalated.
    “ Oh, my God!”
    Alex swept me away from the scene. The cold air rushed through my hair and over my chilled skin. Before I even had time to react, we were inside my truck and

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