The Wandering Fire

The Wandering Fire by Guy Gavriel Kay

Book: The Wandering Fire by Guy Gavriel Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Guy Gavriel Kay
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Contemporary
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trying furiously to catch up. He was closer than anyone else, and so saw what happened best of all. Thirty paces from the advancing urgach, Levon and Tore, without a word spoken, suddenly wheeled their horses at right angles, and racing across the line of the huge, six-legged steeds, fired three arrows each at dazzling speed.
    Six of the urgach fell.
    Tabor, however, was in no position to cheer. Churning fiercely forward in Tore and Levon’s wake he suddenly found himself galloping with only a torch in his hand right at the line of monsters.
    He heard Levon scream his name, not very helpfully. Swallowing a fifteen-year-old’s yelp of apprehension, Tabor angled his horse for a gap in the onrushing line. An urgach, hairy and huge, changed course to intercept him.
    “Cernan!” Tabor cried and hurled the torch even as he swung himself under the belly of his horse. He heard the whistle of a sword where his head had been, a guttural roar of pain as the flung torch struck hair and flesh, and then he was through the line and riding away from the fight over the wide sweeping beauty of the white Plain under a waxing moon and all the stars.
    Not for long. He checked his horse and turned it, reaching for the small sword slung from his saddle. There was no need—none of the urgach had come after him. Instead they smashed viciously into the terrified eltor and then, hewing and carving the screaming animals like so much meat, they swung, en masse, and hit the left side contingent of Dalrei with a brutal force. There were reinforcements coming— Tabor could see the torches streaming toward them from the camps in the distance—but they were not going to be enough, he thought despairingly, not against the urgach.
    Levon and Tore were speeding to attack again, he saw, but the urgach were deep within the mass of Riders, their gigantic swords wreaking havoc among the hunters while the wolves, unimpeded, ran wild through the eltor.
    He heard hoofbeats behind him. Sword raised, he spun his horse frantically. And a glad cry escaped his throat.
    “ Come on, little brother! ” someone shouted, and then Dave Martyniuk thundered by, an axe of Brennin held high, a golden Prince racing beside him and thirty men behind.
    Thus did the warriors of Brennin come to the aid of the Dalrei, led by Prince Diarmuid and by the one called Davor, huge and fell, wrapped in battle fury like a red halo under the waxing moon.
    Tabor saw them crash in their turn, these trained soldiers of Diarmuid’s band, into the nearest wolf pack, and he saw their swords descend in silver sweeps and rise again, dark with blood. Then they hit the massed phalanx of the urgach with Tore and Levon, and brave Cechtar beside, and over the squeals of the dying eltor, the snarl of wolves, Tabor heard, rising above the torchlit carnage, the voice of Davor cry, “Revor!” once and again, and he was young in the tidal wave of his relief and pride.
    Then, suddenly, he was young no more, nor was he only a fifteen-year-old newly called Rider of the Dalrei.
    From his vantage point behind the battle scene and on a slope above it Tabor saw, off to the east, a dark mass approaching very fast, and he realized that the Dalrei were not the only ones to be receiving reinforcements. And if he could see the urgach at such a distance, then there were very many, there were too many, and so.
    And so it was time.
    Beloved . He formed the thought in his mind.
    I am here , he heard instantly. I am always here. Would you ride?
    I think we must , Tabor sent reply. It is time for us, bright one .
    We have ridden before .
    He remembered, would always remember. But not to battle. We will have to kill .
    A new note in the mind voice: I was made for war. And to fly. Summon me .
    Made for war. It was true, and a grief, but the urgach were nearer now, and so.
    And so in his mind Tabor spoke her name. Imraith-Nimphais , he called, on a cresting of love, and he dismounted from his horse, for on the words she was in

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