The War Planners
disbelief, to prepare for the worst, and to think outside the box of ways that China could overcome our advantages.  Only then will we truly be able to see all of the possible vulnerabilities.”
    There were nods of understanding in the audience.  In David’s office life, most meetings involved tables of people with laptops open and cell phones out.  He was struck by the level of undivided attention that Lena commanded when she spoke.  Granted, there were no computers or phones in anyone’s possession.  But it was more than that.  Between her charisma and confidence, she controlled the eyes of everyone in the room.  Aside from her speech, the only sound was the thrum of the air conditioning coming through the floor vents.
    She said, “This threat requires urgent action and new ideas.  We can’t use the same lessons learned in the sessions that were held a decade ago when trying to protect against another September 11th.  For we are no longer trying to protect against terrorists, but against the country with the largest economy and military on the planet.”
    The room became quiet.  David could sense that reality was setting in for the others in the classroom.
    “A few weeks ago we lost contact with one of our assets in Shanghai.  Before that happened, he sent me a message that revealed two important things.  The most important was what we have already discussed.  China is planning to attack the United States.  Very few in the Chinese leadership are aware of this plan.  They are dedicated to keeping it secret.  But rest assured, the decision makers that matter are very aware.  The second big item that our Chinese asset revealed is the reason you all are here instead of a team from the Pentagon doing this in the Pentagon.  We as a country have been infiltrated by the Chinese intelligence community.  Badly.  And they have been actively deepening this penetration.  The Chinese have key people feeding them information inside just about every key government organization.  Sleepers have been activated.  New operatives have been inserted.  They are making moves to get ready for a war.”
    David heard rumbles from around the room. 
    “There is a bit of a cat-and-mouse game going on right now.  There is just a small team assigned to this project.  We are keeping this operation quiet, even from our own agencies, while we figure out whom we can trust.  At the same time, we know that we have to plan our defense.  While we know that the Chinese are planning the attack and we know some of their objectives, we don’t know exactly how they intend to do it.  We know a little, but not nearly enough.  That’s where you come in.  This isn’t just a regular consulting project.  We want you to be ruthless and calculating as you think of what they might do.  We will provide you with what we have uncovered as their probable objectives.  But before our man was killed...and yes, he was killed...”  
    A few people gasped.  Most stared at Lena in shock.  She spoke with an unemotional detachment.  They were hanging on every word.  
    “…we were unable to get any of their detailed plans.  We have begun a very thorough mole-hunt in the government and military right now.  We need to use the next few months to root out every Chinese spy that has infiltrated us.  Only then can we be share this information with the people who will need to know.  What we don’t want to do is tip our hand and bring on war without preparation.  We are afraid that if we start disseminating this information and some of their spies find out, the Chinese might move up their timetable before we can prepare.  Also, in that scenario they would then be attacking with their spies in place.  That can’t happen.”  
    She looked around the room.
    “I know this is shocking.  I know it may seem unbelievable if you are just now hearing it.  But I assure you it is very real.  Our world may soon change drastically.  We may be in a

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