The Way of the Traitor: A Samurai Mystery

The Way of the Traitor: A Samurai Mystery by Laura Joh Rowland

Book: The Way of the Traitor: A Samurai Mystery by Laura Joh Rowland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Joh Rowland
Tags: Fiction, General
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immediate outcry greeted Iishino's translation. Shouting sailors waved their fists and bared broken teeth. A thrill of fear clenched Sano's spine as he remembered that these dirty, bestial creatures were fierce warriors. The Dutch had resisted Spanish takeover of their homeland, then replaced the Spanish Empire as the world's greatest maritime power. More recently, he'd heard rumors that they'd scored victories over the English, who were challenging their trade monopoly. They had quelled native rebellions in the Banda Islands and now ruled the world's sole source of nutmeg. They'd secured the pepper monopoly by battling and defeating tribal kings and English rivals on Java. By seizing the colonies of Malacca and Ceylon, they'd ended Portuguese domination of the East Indies trade. Dutch relations with Japan had so far been peaceful "but the past guaranteed nothing.

Now Captain Oss quieted the crew with angry commands. He and his companions stood a head higher than Sano, who nervously eyed the long-barreled pistols at their waists. Knowing the ship's lower decks contained cannon and more guns "all powerfully superior to any Japan possessed "Sano felt tiny and vulnerable; his sword wouldn't protect him now. Again he longed for Hirata's company. But he'd made the right decision to face terror alone, with a clear conscience.

Iishino translated as fast as the barbarians spoke. oThe captain says the ship has been at sea for a year, a whole year. They've braved storms and drifted for months without wind. They're out of food and water. The crew is desperate to go ashore.

Captain Oss's pointed incisors flashed. Combined with his red hair, these gave him the look of a fox "the animal reviled by Japanese as an evil prankster.

oThe officials say this delay is a violation of the Dutch-Japanese trade agreement, Iishino continued. oThey insist that the ship be allowed to proceed to Takayama, and the crew and cargo conveyed to Deshima immediately. He wrung his hands. oOh, Ssakan-sama, they're angry, very angry that their colleague is missing. But you must tell them that your word is the law, and they have no choice but to obey!

The sea spread around Sano; Nagasaki and its troops seemed very far away. Twelve thousand Dutch in the East Indies, Sano thought, with at least twenty ships like this. Even one could ruin Nagasaki before he could mount a defense. He must placate the Dutch "fast. And beneath his revulsion, Sano felt a tinge of respectful sympathy for the barbarians who had sailed for an entire year to reach Japan.

oCaptain Oss, he said, oI shall order provisions sent aboard, compliments of Nagasaki.

Iishino hissed, oThat's against the rules, the rules! The Dutch receive nothing until their goods are inventoried and unladed. And they must pay for all their supplies.

Sano silenced him with a glance. Shrugging helplessly, Iishino spoke in Dutch. To Sano's relief, the captain and merchants nodded; conciliatory mutters rose from the crew.

oAs soon as we find Trade Director Spaen, you may enter the harbor, Sano said, bowing.

The barbarians bowed, too, watching him warily through their strange, light eyes. Sano headed for the ladder, trying not to run like a coward. But Interpreter Iishino tugged his sleeve.

oSsakan-sama, you must disarm the ship. It's the law that all guns and ammunition be taken from the Dutch when they arrive in Japanese waters.

Sano inwardly cursed his inexperience, and Iishino for not telling him sooner. oCaptain Oss, he said, oin accordance with Japanese law, I must order you to hand over your weapons.

This request provoked another controversy. Captain Oss shook his head violently. The merchants threw up their hands. Barbarian protests deafened Sano; the ship shuddered under hundreds of stamping feet. The captain shouted above his men's voices.

oHe asks you to reconsider, Iishino said. oThey've already been attacked by pirates three times this journey, three times. If you confiscate their

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