The Wedding Deal

The Wedding Deal by Marie Kelly Page B

Book: The Wedding Deal by Marie Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Kelly
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happened, what she had done so wrong. Seeing Alexis stood, she had bit her lip to hold back the small groan of want, his wonderful shape now so visible. Broad muscular shoulders tapered down to a slim waist, his long back to her, as he had stood muttering incoherently in Greek, his fingers running through his hair. He had reached down to retrieve his shirt pulling it back on with fingers which still shook slightly, but leaving it hanging open, before finally turned to look at her, his eyes full of frustration and confusion. Silently, Tessa had continued to hug herself, her whole body shaking at what had happened between them, not understanding why she had reacted in that way, her need for this man so primitive, so foreign to her well ordered life.
    With fire still burning in his eyes he had looked down on the young woman, his voice full of disbelief.
    “You’re a virgin”
    Seeing once more how the flush had risen to her cheeks, her eyes flicking from him to hide the embarrassment in them, before she had pulled herself together, eyes returning to his, chin raised defiantly.
    “Yes, is that a problem?”
    Seeing the look in his eyes, Tessa had rolled over quickly retrieving her vest top and turning from him, pulling it back on, before jumping from the bed as he had finally spoken.
    “But you can’t be…………” as she had turned on him, her eyes blazing with both hurt and anger.
    “Why? ……….. because my mother was the town whore?” she had cried, tears rising to her eyes.
    “Like mother like daughter, Alexis” she had flung at the man before her, moving quickly from the bedroom, needing to be away from both him and the bed, her vision blurred from the tears of anger. As she had reached the kitchen he had followed.
    “That is not what I meant Tessa” his voice now soft, his hands moving to her shoulders to turn her around, his hands cupping her face.
    “I would not have wanted you for my wife if I had ever thought that”
    Tessa had looked back into his face, seeing the honesty in his eyes, hers dropping to the ground as she had spoken gently.
    “My whole life people have always compared me to my mother………..and she was not a bad person Alexis……..she was a good person………..just unhappy”
    He had angled her head upwards to his.
    “I never knew your mother, but if she was anything like you Tessa then she must have been a wonderful person”
    Looking at him she had given a weak smile.
    “Then why?” she had asked, seeing as he had shrugged.
    “Well you were a model, you are so beautiful………….then working on the cruise ships………I guess I just assumed that there had been other men” he had replied, as she had shaken her head.
    “No”, but remembering the many offers she had encountered, her refusal to become the lover of one particular man ending her modeling career, as she had refused to sleep her way to the top.
    “Why did you stop?” she had finally asked, the embarrassment once more returning to her voice, her eyes not able to meet his.
    He had pulled her into his arms, the feel of him once more sending shivers through her.
    “Because I hadn’t expected it Tess, because it is special………..and I can wait two weeks till we are married… I guess it just seemed right to stop”
    Dropping his head once more he had kissed her lips gently, groaning.
    “But it is going to be a hell of a long two weeks”
    he had added before putting her at arm’s length, a small smile lighting his wonderful mouth.
    “Now did you offer me coffee?”
    Sitting drinking the coffee she had quickly made, he had updated her on the plans for her move into his home. The show the previous evening had heralded the end of the semester for her dance school, the two month break matching that of most of her students’ school holidays. This was the time of year she normally made arrangements for the following session, carrying out any repairs or updates to the studio itself and preparing for the

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