The Week I Was A Vampire

The Week I Was A Vampire by Brittney Dussault

Book: The Week I Was A Vampire by Brittney Dussault Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brittney Dussault
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don’t sparkle, but if that disappoints you, I’m sure a healthy dose of body glitter could fix that.”  She smiled then, as if she were a long time friend and not some immortal creature of the night.  Jude felt every ounce of tension leave her body when Mafe smiled like that.
                  “Only,” Jude said, “if you promise no one will trick me into becoming a vampire.”
                  Mafe cocked her head to the side before nodding.
                  “Although,” the vampire said, “I doubt you’re very trusting of me.  Daniel?”
                  Jude felt herself being turned and found herself face to face with Daniel who clasped her hand between his.
                  “I promise, Jude,” he said, “no one will trick you.  No harm will come to you while I am here.  Trust me.”
                  Maybe it was his voice or the fact his blood was responsible for her being in transition.  Maybe it was the sincere look in his eyes or the fact Jude felt genuinely warm when he touched her.  Whatever the reason, Jude found herself turning to face Mafe who was carefully watching the exchange between her grandchild and the potential vampire.
                  “Alright,” Jude said.  “I agree to your deal.”

Tuesday Morning
    Tuesday morning was more successful for Jude, but only because she didn’t wake up and die.  She simply woke up and was already dead.  And hungry, which was not aided by the fact someone was downstairs cooking something that smelled delicious.  Focusing her senses, Jude discovered it was Simon, up six hours before usual, cooking pancakes.  They weren’t exactly what her vampire side was craving, but the still human part of her wanted pancakes.  So, rolling out of bed and being mindful of the early morning light that seemed brighter today than yesterday, Jude padded downstairs in her pajamas and joined her brother in the kitchen.
                  “Where were you last night?” Simon asked before sliding a plate of pancakes in front of Jude.  She forgot to thank him, surprised he was being so nice at such an early hour, but didn’t question the uncharacteristic display of kindness.
                  “With Daniel,” she said, because it was the truth, and when Simon frowned, she elaborated.
    “He’s Jemima’s older brother.  You do know she’s sixteen, right?”
                  Simon turned a faint shade of green as he turned away from the stove to look at his sister.
                  “She didn’t look sixteen,” he said.  “Are you sure?”
                  Jude nodded before shoving a forkful of syrup covered pancakes into her mouth.
                  “Daniel told me,” she said around the mouthful.  “Do you like her?”
                  Simon shrugged and then frowned at his sister.
                  “What’s up with your eyes?” he said.  “You start using colored contacts like Lux?”
                  Jude nodded.
                  “Thought I’d give them a try,” she said, “but you never answered my question.”
                  “She’s fun and easy on the eyes,” he said, “but not really my type.”
                  “I didn’t know you had a type,” Jude said and Simon glared at her.
                  “Everyone has a type,” he said.  “Whether or not they know it is another thing.”
                  He held up a carton of orange juice and she nodded when he pointed to it.  Simon slid the carton and an empty glass across the counter to her, the glass moving too fast for human Jude to catch.  But vampire Jude reached out and deftly caught it mid-air, earning herself a low whistle of approval from her brother.
                  “Nice catch,” he said. 

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