The Wives of Beverly Row 6: Lust Has a New Address

The Wives of Beverly Row 6: Lust Has a New Address by Abby Weeks Page B

Book: The Wives of Beverly Row 6: Lust Has a New Address by Abby Weeks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Weeks
Tags: Fiction, Literary, Suspense, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Womens
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pay the reward, it could take years.”
    “And he’ll always have to worry that we’ll spill the beans about the painting’s authenticity,” Ariel said.
    “Well, that’s the whole point, isn’t it?” Gabe said.
    “Yes,” Ariel said. “That’s exactly the point.”
    “I feel like we should go out and celebrate,” Gabe said.
    “Don’t go spending any of that money,” Ariel said.
    “Why not? I earned it.”
    “That money is to make sure Zola gets a fresh start,” Ariel said. “It was for her that we did all this.”
    “Oh, I know,” Gabe said, “but something tells me Zola’s not going to have any trouble getting a very generous settlement out of Jake now.”
    “Well, we’ve got him by the balls. One word from us and he can kiss that five million goodbye.”
    “So,” Gabe said, “what are we doing to celebrate?”
    Ariel smiled. Gabe was so eager to spend time with her now. Divorcing him had been the smartest thing she’d ever done it seemed. It had really made him appreciate her.
    “Why don’t you come over here for dinner?” Ariel said.
    “To your house?” Gabe said.
    “And you’ll cook?”
    “I’ll come up with something,” Ariel said.
    When she hung up the phone, Ariel had to steady herself against the counter. It had worked! Jake had fallen for the bait. Three and a quarter million dollars! Zola’s future was secure. That’s what it meant.
    She wanted to call Zola but she knew Jake would become suspicious if Zola started acting differently. Ariel decided not to tell Zola anything just yet. She didn’t call Jake either. First of all, she didn’t want to speak to him, but more importantly, she didn’t want him to know that she and Gabe had such close communication about the deal. She’d spent a lot of time convincing Jake that she was trying to double cross Gabe.
    She went upstairs.
    “Becky,” she called out. Becky was in her room, working on a school project.
    “Yes, mom.”
    “Will you help me cook dinner tonight?”
    “Really? What’s the occasion?”
    “We’re having a guest.”
    “Oh, mom. If it’s one of your dates, you can leave me out of it. I don’t need to meet some random guy you’ve picked up.”
    “Becky West! Is that any way to speak about your father?”
    “You heard me.”
    “Dad’s coming over for dinner?”
    “We’re celebrating. We just sold a really expensive painting.”
    They looked at each other a little awkwardly.
    “If you’ve got a question you can go ahead and ask it,” Ariel said.
    “Well,” Becky said. “Are you getting back together with dad?”
    “We’re not jumping into anything,” Ariel said, “but we’re going to give things a try and see how they go. We’ve remained friends through the divorce.”
    “And dad’s changed a lot, hasn’t he?”
    “It does seem like that,” Ariel said.
    “Oh, mom,” Becky said.
    She got up and hugged her mother.
    “Don’t get ahead of things,” Ariel said. “I just thought I should tell you that we’re looking at our options.”
    “Oh, I know mom. I know it doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but it would be really nice if dad was a part of your life again.”
    “He’s always been a part of my life,” Ariel said. “And he always will be. He’s your father after all.”
    “I know, but I’m just glad you two are giving things a try.”
    “Me too,” Ariel said, smiling.
    The two of them spent the next three hours cooking the biggest turkey they could find at the supermarket. Ariel prayed she hadn’t jumped the gun in telling Becky about her and Gabe. The disappointment would be terrible if things didn’t work out.
    But something about the way he had been acting since the divorce told Ariel that things might just work out better this second time around.

    I T FELT LIKE IT HAD been a long time since Ariel had spent any time with Trudy but sitting there at Trudy’s kitchen

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