The Wolf Prince
    A thrill of excitement swept through her. Her very own sexy secret agent living in the guest house. She wondered if he had all of James Bond’s bedroom moves.
    “What are you thinking?” he asked.
    Heat flooded her face. She really had to stop fantasizing. But it was such a good fantasy. She regretfully brought her attention back to the present. “I think we might have just discovered what you do for a living.”
    “But I still don’t know what a secret agent is.”
    She jumped up and grabbed his hand. “Come on, I’ll show you. My dad is a big Bond fan. He has a media room full of his movies. If that’s what you are, maybe it’ll jog your memory.”
    Her father’s addiction to Bond had probably sparked Darcy’s dream of becoming a private investigator. She’d watched everyBond movie at least twice with her father. They’d bonded over Bond.
    She was really losing it.
    They went into the house and upstairs. When they walked inside the media room, she realized she still held his hand. She quickly dropped it, and went to the DVD player. Holding his hand had felt nice, though. Too nice. The relationship had to stay platonic, professional. Her gaze landed on him and lingered for a moment. At least platonic until she knew his background.
    The media room could seat up to twenty people in chocolate-suede covered, oversized recliners. The screen filled one entire wall. There was even a popcorn machine at the back and a small bar where you could get a soda or alcoholic beverage. Not that she had been allowed alcohol until she turned twenty-one, and by then she discovered she preferred soda.
    But her favorite part of the media room was the lights. When they were dimmed, the ceiling automatically began to twinkle with thousands of fiber optic lights. The atmosphere created a feeling of being outside under the stars.
    She motioned Surlock toward one of the chairs and went to the library cabinets. Her organized father had every movie alphabetized and arranged by genre. She quickly found the Bond movie she wanted and grabbed the remote. Her father had hundreds of movies. Collecting them had gone way beyond the hobby stage and become an obsession.
    Darcy inserted the DVD, then took the chair next to Surlock’s. With just the push of a few buttons, the lights dimmed, and the movie started.
    Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Surlock really got into the movie. Halfway through, she realized one thing: All guys were alike. It wasn’t hard to tell that he enjoyed action flicks.
    But she’d forgotten about the sexual tension, the love scenes. She shifted in her seat as James Bond became Surlock and she becamethe female lead. It was Surlock touching her, flirting with his eyes, seducing her.
    Darcy was glad when the movie finally ended. She jumped to her feet and turned the lights on, rather than using the remote. She needed to put some distance between them.
    “What did you think?” she managed to ask with only a small catch in her voice.
    He shifted in his seat until he met her gaze. “Yes, I think I might be a secret agent.”
    “You’ve remembered something?”
    He shook his head. “Nothing. But being a secret agent feels right.”
    Which didn’t really tell her a lot since most guys would like to play the part of James Bond in real life. She was no closer than she had been before they watched the movie. The only thing it had created was more sexual frustration, and confusion about who Surlock might be.
    So, how to find out for sure? She thought about it for a moment before coming up with an idea. “We can fingerprint you.”
    “What will that do?”
    “If you work for the government, your prints might be on file. You could work in intelligence of some kind and not necessarily be a secret agent. There are a lot of possibilities.”
    A slow sexy grin curved his lips upward. Her toes curled in response. Damn, the man was devilishly handsome.
    “I don’t know, I kind of like the idea of women falling

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