The Zombie Combat Manual

The Zombie Combat Manual by Roger Ma Page B

Book: The Zombie Combat Manual by Roger Ma Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roger Ma
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more intensely by varying your hand positions so that your palms are closer or farther apart.
    PULL-UPS: Coupled with push-ups, these two exercises form an excellent foundation for building a ghoul-destroying upper body. Pull-ups are infamously challenging for many people, so do not let the difficulty of this exercise dissuade you from including it in your routine. This exercise also requires use of a bar or overhang, but you can use any extended pipe, bar, or tree branch for this purpose. You can also purchase a removeable, door-mounted pull-up device, which has the advantage of being portable so that it can be taken with you should you need to abandon your shelter.

    BURPEES: A simple yet intense exercise that has been used extensively in military physical training. Starting in a standing position, crouch down in a ball with your knees to your chest and hands on the ground. Extend both feet backward explosively while keeping your hands on the floor, ending in a push-up position. Do one complete push-up. Bring both feet back to your previous position, knees to chest. Explode upright and jump upward.
    SQUATS: What push-ups are to your upper body, squats are for the lower half. Many are familiar with this exercise using heavy barbells. Body-weight squats, however, can be just as effective in building strength and stamina. Standing with legs shoulder width apart, bend at the knees and lower your hips until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and push yourself back up to standing position. Holding on to any accessible weight (logs, bricks, a small child) will increase the difficulty of this movement.
    JUMPING JACKS: You may remember these from your high school physical education class. As simplistic as this movement may seem, jacks can build endurance when performed rapidly and in substantial quantity. Starting in a standing position with your arms at your sides, jump straight up and open your arms and legs apart in midair. Land with your hands clapped over your head and your feet wide apart, then jump back into the air and reverse your movement for one complete jack. In addition to improving your conditioning level, this exercise can stabilize and strengthen the joints in your lower legs. By building up the tendons and ligaments, jacks can help prevent one of the worst injuries you can suffer during an unanticipated evacuation—a twisted ankle.
    BOX JUMPS: This exercise will build explosive strength in your legs, but does require a box or platform eighteen to twenty-four inches high. Simply jump up on the box and jump down for a set number of repetitions. Land with your knees bent when jumping both on and off the platform to absorb the shock of the landings.
    Linking these exercises in sequence can form the structure of your zombie fitness routine. Following a circuit such as this will enable you to build and maintain strength and endurance in a short amount of time without the need for a large space or unique equipment. The following Zombie Basic Fitness Circuit (ZBFC) can be accomplished in a single room smaller than the size of the average U.S. prison cell (eight by twelve feet).
Zombie Basic Fitness Circuit
• 20 push-ups
• 10 pull-ups
• 20 burpees
• 10 box jumps (or 20 jumping jacks, should a box be unavailable)
• 20 squats
    Remember to move quickly between exercises with no rest in between. Keep track of the time required for you to complete the sequence in its entirety. Once you can accomplish this circuit easily, increase the repetitions for each exercise as appropriate. Log your time and repetitions and always try to best your previous numbers. Not only will this meticulous record keeping help increase your fitness levels, it can help preoccupy your mind while the living dead pound against the exteriors of your fortification.
    Combat Exercises
    You can also incorporate several exercises into your routine that both build overall fitness and simulate actions that you may have to execute during

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