he’d been a better son, his father would still be here.
    The spicy Asian floral scent of Cassie
reached him from the sitting room, drawing him out of his depressing thoughts.
Turning around, he caught her staring at his butt, but she quickly averted her
    He grinned, ridiculously pleased that for
all her tough talk she was still susceptible to his physical attributes. Maybe
he’d be able to get her to change her mind about the no-sex part of their
agreement after all. He’d loved to tie up her small frame with red silk scarves
and watch her writhe under his touch.
    “I-I could use some water too,” she
stammered. “Is there another one?”
    He walked to the mini-fridge and grabbed
a bottle, opening it before handing it to her. “Here you go.”
    “Thanks.” She took it without meeting his
    Interesting. It was the first time she’d
been anything but brutally honest and straightforward with him. Well, other
than her fib about her salary last night, which he’d known before he’d even
asked her, but that was part of her ballsy negotiating that he’d admired.
    Now, her avoidance of eye contact made
him want to get inside her brain to find out what she was thinking. He watched
and waited while she drank the water, but she kept her gaze directed outside on
the waves sparkling in the late afternoon sunlight.
    After setting the nearly empty bottle on
the coffee table, she glanced up at him. “Is there anything else I need to know
before we go down?”
    He shook his head. “Nothing that I can
think of. Just relax and be yourself. Xavier’s focus will be on trying to sell
me on the value of his company.”
    “Okay.” She wiped her palms on the hips
of her sundress, which brought his attention to the curve of her waist above
the gentle rise of her backside.
    In her dress last night and this one
today, she was shapelier than he’d originally imagined when he’d first seen her
in that boxy suit. Perhaps tomorrow while she lounged by the pool, he’d get to
see the rest of her curves in a bathing suit, preferably a bikini. He predicted
her skin would be smooth and creamy and so soft to the touch, just like her
    “Ready?” Cassie’s question jolted him
from his salacious thoughts.
    “Right. Let’s go.” He held the door open
for her, inhaling her unique scent as she passed. Yeah, it had been much too
long since he’d gotten into a woman’s personal space.
    Downstairs, they met Xavier and Esmé on
the patio, standing near a thatched-roof bar next to the pool. After providing
Evan and Cassie with cocktails, Xavier got right to the point.
    “At Estrella, we’re concerned with your
inexperience and your reputation,” he stated. “We’re looking for maturity and
stability in the president of the company we decide to partner with, not a
    Evan chuckled when he really wanted to
give Xavier a piece of his mind—so much for enjoying the pleasure part of
this weekend. Apparently, Xavier was planning a strictly business weekend,
after all. So, why did he insist that Evan bring a woman with him?
    “My playing days are over,” Evan
responded mildly, deciding to use the woman at his side to his advantage.
“Cassie has cured me of that.” He set his drink on the bar and circled his arms
around her waist, pulling her tightly to his side.
    Initially, he felt her resistance, but
then she softened as she slid her right arm around his back. The sensation of
her halfway wrapped around him was utterly distracting, sending his thoughts
racing toward the finish line with him and Cassie both naked. He had to focus
to keep his concentration on the conversation.
    “Yes.” Esmé smiled, placing her hand on
her husband’s arm. “A good woman can tame the wildest of players.”
    Cassie stayed silent at Evan’s side,
which surprised him. He’d thought she’d have something to add to Esmé’s
comment, especially after her experience with Trent. Maybe it hit too close to
home, and she was

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