hospital room.”
Snorting at her words, he smiled faintly. I won’t fit in one in about twenty minutes. Give or take. I’m a Dragon, love, he told her honestly. We’re not mythical creatures but part of the races that Gaia created known as Changers. There are Dragons, Bears, Wolves, Snakes, Rats, Birds of all sorts, and many others, too many for me to remember most days. Because of our long lives we are given a bond-mate, someone that Gaia has chosen just for us. A person who completes us and makes everything seem that much more perfect. Some recognize their bond-mate by scent, others by touch or a vibration their soul gives off.
“A Dragon?” She pulled back and frowned. “I know you have a tattoo of one, a seriously hot freaking tattoo that makes me want to hunt down whoever did it and beat them because they got to see you naked, but still. Seriously?” She shook her head. “I know that Jackie and Allister were talking about babies being Dragons, but now you, too?”
They were? How long had he been out? Never mind that, for now. He’d come back to that later. I’m not kidding, little one. I’m a real Dragon. Talon is our King and Allister and I plus a few others are part of his Royal Guard. Shifting slightly, he winced. We needed to be in a warehouse because when I change to my other form to heal faster and more efficiently, I’m going to need the room. Unfortunately we’re not the smallest of the Changers. Understatement.
“Honey, I think you hit your head,” she whispered softly. “I love you, but you are talking silly right now. But if you believe it, I will let it go. Can I at least get you moved, darling? Please? I just really need you to get better.”
Sighing, he called out to Allister and told him what he wanted. Look at Allister, love, and maybe he’ll convince you. Turning his gaze to his brother, he waited until she faced him and nodded. As soon as Lina looked his way, Allister let his face start the change to Dragon, his eyes shifting in color and form, his teeth lengthening, and the beginning of the longer snout starting to take shape.
Lina watched what was happening and couldn’t believe it. She had to be on an acid trip or something because people just didn’t turn into animals, into Dragons! She found herself backing in closer to Aiden and felt panic hitting her harder. “Oh God,” she whimpered. “Oh lord, you are both…” She gulped. “Dragons,” she cried and then looked down to Aiden. “And you are as well? That’s why they are saying you will heal faster, right? Oh God.” She panted. “Are you sure that I should stay?” she asked with wide eyes and saw Allister changing back to normal. “I really would rather not become a Dragon treat. Will he be fully in control of himself?” She looked to Aiden. “You would know me?”
Allister rolled his eyes. “And I thought you breaking it to Jackie was bad,” he said and grinned at the comment only he could hear. “While we are human the Dragon is always aware. It’s why our reflexes and reaction times are faster. Same thing goes when we shift forms. The Dragon is the form but the human side is still there and providing logic and thought to everything. We rarely change forms because we’re supposedly mythical. That’s why we have these warehouse spaces for when we’re injured. We can shift without worry of some scientist thinking they’ve found the Loch Ness Monster’s relative and trying to stuff us in a cage. We can stretch, walk, and relax here in safety as we heal. He will know exactly who you are and be even more protective of you in his alter form since the Dragon will be thinking he’s in charge of the situation. Likely if anyone gets too close without him spotting them or hearing them coming there may be some singed folks, but for the most part, ninety-nine percent of everyone here knows better. Especially after they get their ass cooked the first time.”
Looking down at Aiden, she asked, “Will you
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