Thirty-Eight Days

Thirty-Eight Days by Len Webster

Book: Thirty-Eight Days by Len Webster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Len Webster
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    “But Alex!” She realised she sounded like a whiny child not getting what she wanted. “I don’t need him here.”
    Her brother let out the annoyed hum he did when he was frustrated. “Clara,” he breathed out exhaustedly.
    She knew her brother was working late nights, and she was adding to his stress. Clara let out her own sigh. They never fought or argued, so it was new for the both of them. She knew she had to let it go. Noel would stay, and she would not make a fuss.
    “Kiddo, I know you’ve been stressed with university and other things. I know I haven’t helped by just springing this on you. I’m sorry. But my career is on the line here, and if things in New York weren’t so hectic, I would have been there instead of Noel. You know I love you, Clara. But right now I can’t be there for you.”
    “I just wish you’d have told me about your babysitting plans. I could have, you know, prepared myself a little better. I’m sorry, Alex. I’ve added to your stress and I know I’m being unbelievably selfish right now. It’s not fair on you. I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me and…”
    “And?” he asked.
    Clara steeled herself and knew it would kill her to say it out loud, but it would make her brother happy. “I promise to be on my best behaviour with Noel.”
    “That’s my girl. I’ll be home after the court case, I promise. I love you, Clara.” She could sense the hope in his voice, and she smiled knowing that the rift between them had sealed.
    “I love you, too, Alex. Make this guy pay!”
    “You can make sure I’ll make this bastard pay! I better go. Just don’t kill Noel, okay?”
    Clara laughed and stared at her bedroom door. “I won’t kill the asshole. Bye, Alex.” She hung up the phone and placed it beside her. As she stood up from the window seat, Clara huffed out and shook her head. Looking out of her window one more time, she closed her eyes tightly.
    I can do this. It’ll be easy… just don’t think about him naked!

    N oel turned to his left to see the clock flash eight a.m. He had been up hours before and sat there waiting for the alarm to blare. He pressed the big button to turn it off and looked out the window. He enjoyed the view so much that he never closed the curtains.
    Two frustrating days had passed since the kitchen fiasco. His desire for Clara made it difficult for him to be under the same roof as her. For the past couple of days all he did was keep the conversations at a minimum. He made sure he was gone for most of the day and only back for dinner. He spent his mornings to late afternoons on the Yarra River and at the row club he and Alex used to go to as teenagers.
    He let out all his frustrations on his rowing. He didn’t care that his arms would burn like they had caught fire every time he made a movement. He needed to feel the pain; he didn’t need to remember the ache of not being able to touch her face or not being able to hold her. Noel was having trouble understanding what he actually felt for Clara, but he knew he had to stay away. She was making it difficult.
    But he had to push on. He learnt the night before that she had a job in a bakery. He was learning more than he should. She couldn’t know that he was physically attracted to her, no matter how much he tried to deny it. She didn’t need to know of the things he wished he coulddo to her and with her. He shook the thoughts from his head and started to make his bed. They had spent two days together and he wasn’t sure how much longer he was going to last pretending he didn’t want or need her.
    I have to be the asshole she expects me to be.
    That was the only way he could survive the remaining amount of days they had left together. He would spend as little time around Clara as possible. And rowing was his answer. Knowing he’d sweat during his morning row with Rob, he decided against a shower. Noel changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt before he

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