This Kiss (Made In Montana Book 12)
    “Not really. I know a few, but I couldn’t say if they’re any good.” Except for Craig, but she tried to stay clear of him. “What about your agent? Bet he knows one.”
    “Brian lives in Dallas. I can’t call him this late. But yeah, he knows everybody. I trust he’ll steer me right.”
    “You should’ve called him before you jumped bail.”
    Ethan sighed. “I didn’t realize I’d jumped bail,” he said with forced patience. “The charges were supposed to have been dropped.”
    “What about your parents? I would think they either have someone they use or know of someone.”
    “It’s clear you’re not a rodeo fan, yet you know who they are?”
    She shrugged. “I think everyone in Beatrice County knows the name Styles. They own that big ranch and rodeo camp near Otter Lake. And didn’t your dad win something like five championship titles for calf roping, and a few more for something else?”
    Ethan nodded. “All-around cowboy three years in a row.”
    “Even your mom has four gold buckles for barrel racing, right?”
    “You get all that from doing homework on me? Or did you already know this stuff?”
    “Half and half.”
    “So you probably read about my kid sister.” His tone stayed noncommittal and his expression blank.
    Nevertheless, she’d bet there were a lot of emotions bubbling under the surface. She’d definitely seen pride in his eyes, but she wondered if there might be some jealousy in the mix.
    “Last December Cara won her first championship title on her twenty-first birthday,” he said. “She’ll be competing for her second title next week. She’ll be headed to Vegas with me. Assuming I get to go.” He jerked on the cuffs so hard the post shook.
    “Ah.” Sophie nodded.
    “Sibling rivalry. I get it.” She didn’t have any siblings, but she could imagine the pressure Ethan was feeling. And a kid sister besting him? Ouch. “Well, I know barrel racing is a woman’s event, so I’m guessing that’s what she won?”
    He nodded.
    “Your dad won first place for tying up poor little calves—”
    Ethan stared as though she’d just grown fangs.
    “And your mom and sister got prizes for riding a horse around a few barrels without knocking them over.”
    Ethan started laughing.
    “I’m not finished,” she said. “And you’re a bull rider. Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you compete in the hardest, most dangerous event in rodeo?”
    “Look,” he said, his laughter ending with a sigh, “I don’t know what your point is. I just need to make it to the finals.” His mood had soured again. “So, what’s it gonna take, Sophie? Tell me.”
    “You have to return to Wyoming and face the judge.”
    “I can’t ride the next two days here, then go back to Wyoming and the unknown, and trust that I can still make it to Vegas for the finals.”
    She sucked in a deep breath. He wasn’t thinking it through. “It’s not as if you have a low profile,” she reminded him. “If you fail to appear in court on Monday, the judge will issue a warrant and someone will be waiting in Vegas to arrest you.”
    “No. No, that can’t happen. How can they come after me? I didn’t do it. Dammit.”
    She bit down to keep from stating the obvious. Besides, Ethan had to know the legal system was far from perfect. Or maybe his charmed existence had spared him life’s injustices. “Look, I know you don’t want the publicity, but your folks live in the next county, along with lots of rodeo fans who adore them. You’re probably the most popular bull rider in the country. Who do you think people are going to believe? You or what’s her name?”
    “Wendy.” Ethan’s mouth curved in a derisive smile. “Wendy Fullerton.”
“Any relation to Broderick Fullerton?”
    “His wife.”
    “Oh, shit.”
    “Exactly what I said.” Ethan’s sigh sounded a lot like defeat.
    “How could you not know who she was?” Fullerton owned half the county. People

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