Three Days of Dominance
years ago, I was exiled here, cursed under our laws, after I killed our Goddess’s only son on my own world. My half sister, Aroha, had led me to believe he’d done her a grievous injury; I challenged him, and we dueled. For a hundred years, I and Aroha have been forced to live in or around the lake. The years of isolation here have not been kind to her. To return to our own world requires an enormous amount of power. Power that can only be found inside something called a toah egg. They’re in common use in my world. To fuel this toah, the curse requires a woman to submit to me for three days. Though the first two days are important, it is on the third day that your submission must be absolute.”
    At that, she stiffened. Her, he meant her. Fear spiked, then disappeared almost as quickly. She didn’t and couldn’t fear this man, not exactly, not in an oh-my-God-he-might-kill-me kind of way. Yet, what had she gotten herself into?
    “On the last day there is a very exact ritual that needs to be performed. That ritual is the true key to success. I believe you can help me do this.”
    “Me?” Jesus . Truth, her mind told her. All of it. Or maybe, just, he believes it to be true.
    “I don’t expect you to take this all in and believe me in one simple step. But I ask that you think on what I tell you, and that you come to the lake again today. There I can show you more and convince you of the reality of magic.”
    He stopped there, and waited, and he needed to. Her brain could barely figure out how to wrestle with anything he’d said. She cleared her throat.
    “You think you’re a…a faerie, and that you can do magic?” She glanced at his left hand, though the mirror had gone. Illusion, or not?
    “Yes.” His fingers resumed their slow circuits along the seam of her shorts, the pressure above her clit tantalizing, despite the cloth between his fingers and her flesh.
    This time she did squeeze her thighs together. “Unh. That’s cheating. I can’t think clearly.”
    “I don’t expect you to believe me as yet. Just to remember.” With his other hand he lifted her breast through the thin cotton of her bodice, as if weighing it. “I placed an egg, the toah, inside you”—Heketoro moved his hand down until it pressed flat just above her mound—“here.” Then he returned to caressing her breast.
    He did what?
    “The toah stores power that comes from sexual magic. And it makes you more aware, when bare skin is touched. Like this.”
    He slid a finger between the buttons of the bodice and touched her nipple. Heat sizzled from nipple to clit.
    “Ah!” She arched, gasping, suddenly exquisitely aware of the shape of his cock so close to her throbbing cunt, and of the blood pulsing through her engorged clit. “No.” The word came out strangled. “I’m not making love out here. You put this thing inside me? Without asking, or telling me what it was? I mean, hell, you might have asked.”
    This toah, and she remembered it now, he’d put it inside her after she’d awoken to his mouth on her. Had he somehow made her forget? Now that was confusing. He couldn’t do that, make her forget, unless somehow he was a fae? How could he be a faerie when they were an imagined thing from children’s tales? And if he was—She jammed her eyes closed. Tried to think past the vibrations of lust thrumming her body. What would she rather—that he be a fae, or a madman?
    “The toah is safe. If you want me to, I'll remove it. Or, at this stage, you can even do that yourself. It's your choice, but bear in mind, I wouldn't be asking you if this wasn't important. You are my last hope.”
    She put her hand over his at her groin, trying to stop that infernal, delicious rubbing. “Stop that.”
    “I don't think so.” His teeth clamped lightly on her ear. He shifted his fingers out from under hers, then covered her right hand with his, slid them both down between her legs. Heat flared.
    “Oh.” She writhed against her fingers,

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