Three Days of Dominance
finished looking?” His voice rumbled deep, and her very bones seemed to quiver.
    And she was suddenly quite sure that with Heketoro, sex would always be a nonnegotiable item. It would be his way, every time. That made her so hot she blushed again. She remembered waking earlier. His mouth on my clit. His fingers inside me . She placed her hand to her stomach, frowning. How could she have forgotten something like that?
    He smiled, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. “I only want to talk, Danii.”
    “You… When I’m near you, something…happens.” She shook her head. “You should go,” she said, quietly, and as firmly as she could manage.
    “What happens?” He tilted his head. An inviting darkness swam in his eyes. Her lips softened.
    “Uh.” God, she shouldn’t be saying this. “You affect me strangely.”
    At that he laughed, actually laughed. She pinched her lips together.
    “And you find that wrong?” His gaze sharpened. “That strangeness, I’d call desire. You shouldn’t resist.”
    She managed to speak around the lump in her throat. “ You should go.”
    The tiniest of creases appeared between his eyes. She could almost see the click as he reached some decision. He turned, strode as far as the raggedy, overgrown hedges of mock orange around the low stone seat.
    “Wait!” An intense need to know something of this man had seized her. If he left and she had nothing of him and never met him again, she’d regret this a million times over. Face it, I don’t know what I want to do.
    “I’m not going anywhere. We’re going to talk, but I’m not going inside your house again, not today.” Then he raised his voice. “So, unless you’d rather we discuss last night very loudly, you’ll come here.” He folded his arms.
    “Shh!” She shot a look toward the neighbors’ fences to left and right. Neither had children, luckily. Only the buzz of insects and distant clattering of dishes came to her ears.
    He didn’t want to go inside the house; well, that suited her too. She scowled, hopped off the lounge, and went down the steps, then far enough across the yard until they could speak in quiet voices. At two yards’ distance from him, she folded her arms, glared. “I don’t like threats.”
    “Danii.” For a moment exasperation crept into his voice; then he snapped, “Come here!”
    The command had her walking to him before her brain kicked in. Shocked at her own response, she melted inside as he regarded her. She wasn’t short, but up close, the difference was enough that she had to tilt her head to look at him.
    “Better,” he murmured.
    The warm, rumbling voice, the closeness, made her dizzy, and it took all her concentration not to drop to her knees and wrap her arms around his legs. Absurd . This man affected her like the most potent drug.
    She inhaled sharply as he raised his hand and stroked her forehead. Gently, he drew an undulating line on her skin, as if tracing something. Electricity zapped through her nerves. Goose bumps rose, and a shiver flurried down her spine.
    “Ah. This explains much,” he said, eyes narrowing.
    What was he talking about? She quivered, wanting him fiercely, wanting that hand elsewhere on her body. No. No. This was so wrong. I need equality in any lover, not someone who can make me beg with the snap of his fingers . She pulled away.
    “Why do you resist your feelings?”
    Those eyes—she could drown in that sea of green, lost forever. She dropped her gaze, shook her head. “You’re too overpowering. I don’t want someone who makes me fall apart every time I see him.”
    “No?” Light as a drop of rain, he feathered fingertips across her lips, tipped her head up, and smiled. “Are you sure? Do you enjoy it when I make love to you? Or now, when I touch you?”
    Her body craved him. She couldn’t stop herself leaning into the touch of those fingers, her breasts rising and falling like the swell of waves before a storm. “I… Yes, damn

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