Three's a Crowd

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Book: Three's a Crowd by Sophie McKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie McKenzie
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now, the Open Mike Night begins.”
    Drum roll.
    The table fell silent. I sat there awkwardly as the first couple of people got up on stage and squawked their way through some ancient songs I didn’t know.
    Why was everyone so upset that I wasn’t excited about Mum having a baby? I mean, the baby wasn’t even a real person yet. I just didn’t get it.
    And why did I keep getting it wrong with Eve? I looked across to the side of the stage, where Jonno and Lola were now standing, side by side. It was their fault, I decided. Lola had somehow upset Eve, and Jonno was determined to spoil everything for both of us.
    I was just about to whisper to Eve that maybe we could slip away later – no, that we had to slip away later – when there was a small commotion at the table and I looked round to discover Chloe making her way onto the stage.
    Avoiding the grey-haired pianist who appeared to be coordinating what people were singing, Chloe marched over to the drummer and began talking to him. He smiled, then started laughing. I looked at Ryan. He was gazing tenderly at Chloe.
    Then he turned and caught me watching him. “What?”
    I shrugged.
    “Luke’s wondering why you’re not jealous of Chloe talking to that guy,” Eve said icily.
    I looked away. That was, in fact, exactly what I’d been thinking. Ryan stared at me. “Chloe’s just having fun,” he said.
    The noise level in the room rose as people started chatting impatiently. The pianist strode over to Chloe and extricated her from the drummer. A minute later Chloe was singing. Some old ballad I vaguely recognised. She had an okay voice. Nothing special, but she was clearly enjoying herself so much that the audience burst into the biggest round of applause so far when she finished.
    She bounded back to our table, flushed with excitement.
    “That was so cool,” she said. “You have to try it. Go on Ry.”
    She hauled a protesting Ryan to his feet. I watched him. Even as he was saying “No”, he was edging closer to the band.
    Give it up, Ry , I thought. You’re just as much of a show off as she is.
    “You were great, Chloe,” Eve said, as Chloe took a sip from her drink.
    Chloe beamed. Ryan was on stage now, chatting with the pianist. He, too, wandered over to the drummer. I watched them talking. Ryan was pointing back at Chloe, presumably explaining she was his girlfriend. I smiled. Maybe Ryan wasn’t quite so immune from jealousy as he made out. Then the music struck up. It was another old swing tune. God knows how Ryan knew the words. He sang terribly. Barely in tune and rasping out most of the lyrics. But the funny thing was, it didn’t matter. Ryan had this way of flirting with the audience when he sang that made you forget his voice. He sauntered around the stage, pointing at people and smiling, like he was singling them out.
    Chloe leaned across to me. “Isn’t he fantastic?”
    As the song came to an end, Ryan received a big round of applause. He flumped back down in his seat looking extremely pleased with himself. Chloe flung her arms round him and kissed him.
    Jonno marched over with Lola. I kicked Chloe under the table, worried Jonno was about to tell her and Ryan off for embarrassing the guests by snogging in public. Chloe looked up as Jonno loomed over the table, beaming at us.
    “Great show,” he said. “Guys, this is Lola.”
    I felt Eve hold my hand under the table. Lola gave a bored look round. Her lips curved into a smile as her heavily made-up eyes met mine. “Hey, there,” she drawled.
    “Hey,” I squeaked. Lola was, frankly, terrifying. Like a great big sexy snake – the sort that swallow their victims whole.
    I felt Eve draw her hand away from mine. I looked at her, my face reddening.
    “Thanks,” she whispered, her voice low and bitter.
    “Your turn, Babycakes.” Jonno grinned at Eve. “The open mike awaits you.”
    The table fell silent. I could feel Eve freeze beside me.
    “No, Daddy,” she croaked.

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